Not Perfect.

Middle of one of our days and as you can see my toddler is still in her PJs! I am not perfect! The adventures here have vast, from frightening to…

My kids love Books!

Another summer comes to an end and another school year starts. Our list of books for this years learning grows and grows and maybe your does too! It would be…

5 Minute Pie

When a busy mom trying to homeschool, keep a spotless house, and craft, needs to make something yummy fast this might just be it. Peanut Butter Cream cheese Pie. Recipe…

Not at her desk!

A new friend asked me why I homeschool. I get this question a lot and I believe most who homeschool do as well. I never seem to able to put…

The Poopy Day

Above picture is of a me made cloth diaper for my night owl baby. Giraffes have the biggest hearts, I love them. I am blessed to know some wonderful mothers…

Baby Smilie

This is baby in an adorable little hat I just made. I didn't expect that hat or the photo to be so very adorable. For a baby that hardly sleeps…

Zoeys Birth Story

Zoeys Birth Story May 7th 11:08am Zoey Irene 7lbs 6oz 19" long 37 weeks and 6 days found me getting out of bed at 7:30am. This is not so uncommon…

Knitting for Baby

I had wanted to get a lot more knitting and sewing done for baby but she has a timing all her own. Here are the knitting things done and the…