Day 150

I made this for our Memorial Day meal and it was wonderful, though I think I should have gone with the more traditional strawberries and not the cherries as it…

Day 149

Sugar Gliders shouldn't be alone. Many sugar glider mills and those that middle man for them will often tell customers all you need as an hour a day to play…

Day 145

Long before my husband and I knew we would date we were just good friends. One day he showed up while our other friends where busy and asked if I…

Day 144 – Handwork

As our school year starts to end, our state paperwork finished and sent, thoughts for me turn to next year. Next year our 5 year old will be doing Kinder,…

Day 142

This was a moment on our weekend away up north with family. You see I am a bit over protective, worried about everything mommy so baby had not been exposed…

Day 138

Babywearing men are sexy. Walking around the festival there where many babies being worn, and near half that we saw where men. One guy in a pink mai tai with…

Day 137

We had spent a while at the sheep and wool festival down near the sheep herding pens, it was quiet, a few booths and peaceful. We turned to go back…

Day 136 — Not Easy

Some might think that the above happy baby must be an easy baby, and really compared to my other children I sometimes think so myself. But that happy baby was…

Day 134

Wonder girl fell in love with spinning like this. Sadly those beautiful spinners are very very costly. Someday....

Day 133 — DDC

DDC stands for Due Date Group. I was blessed to fall into a DDC on in 2007 that has been an amazing source of inspiration and support. I have…

Day 132

The dogs where impressive to watch, next year we will show up early just to see them and get a good spot on the fence line. We had a herding…

Day 131

More yarn from the sheep and wool festival! The books are nice and clean and things laid out so beautifully.