Day 144 – Handwork

As our school year starts to end, our state paperwork finished and sent, thoughts for me turn to next year. Next year our 5 year old will be doing Kinder, waldorf inspired homeschooling. I am excited about it and so is he. Little sister wants to do school just like him as well so we will try and plan for that. So much to plan, so much to get excited about.

For today though, they played with work books, trying to learn letters and sounds. No pushing, no set amount of pages to do, just them doing what they want and asking for help as needed. They played hard so much of the day and where happy to sit and do something if I asked them if they wanted to. Quiet time for baby to sleep is important and I am glad they try. A high level afternoon though needed to come down before dinner. Wonder husband cooked and I settled in with our 5 and 3 year old for some hand work. We made friendship bracelets with wool yarn. Toby was happy to do it, was quiet and focused. He made two, quietly twisting and twisting. Libby tried a bit but I am not sure she has the dexterity for it. She sat still to watch her brother but got loud in demanding I make them for her. It reminded me that Toby is more into movement and Libby is more into watching still. I think walking forms with her I think will be very helpful this fall.

These are simple.

3 pieces of 24″ wool yarn.
Tie one end and attack to a clip board or tape down to a table or pin to a pillow.

Take the end of all three pieces of yarn and twist in one direction, twist until it is not possible to twist any longer and then pinch in the middle of the twisted string and fold over and grab the knotted end, let go of the middle and let it twist in on itself. Put a knot in both ends, trim if needed. To put on, open the twist near one of the knots and push the other knot through and this will secure it. Enjoy!


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