The stroller gang vrs. Breastfeeding

It is a sad fact that I have breastfeeding issues with each and every baby. I held on for 8 month trying everything I could with my son, and then thanks to know more managed 12 months with my youngest daughter. I have deep worry I will again need to add bottles to battle FTT and keep my baby healthy. So when a friend posted this link:
About the safety of formula I thought I would share it on one of the Due Date groups I am a part of. In short it is a new study published in March in the Journal of Pediatrics. Researchers find botulism-causing spores in US infant formula.

What I found interesting was that I always thought powered formula would be safer than the liquid, things grow in moisture correct? So now I have something new to look up and I am grateful for my dear friend passing this information on. She was here when my son was failing to thrive, she even nursed him for me to help me see it was his latch and not my breasts with the issue. She saved my poor heart added tears.

So what do you think the Stroller Gang did with this information? They attacked, chucking dirty disposable cyber diapers in my direction as I was clearly only trying to spread fear like other breastfeeding supporters. It was a full on attack and it was hard to feel badly for them. How guilty must they feel? One mother was clear that she feels she is in the minority and such things make her feel badly, like she had to defend her choice to formula feed. How did my post get so off topic and tossed into a mama war? I have empathy for that mother and I shared my side as well, showing that at 6 months only 14% of babies in America are still only breastfed and not on formula. Talk about minority.

I have had to use formula, and yes I felt horrible about it and took a while to let go of the guilt as I know I did everything I knew to do. There is however no way I will ever be ok with anyone thinking formula is just as good as breastfeeding. The studies to do back that up and either does nature.

So while the stroller gang admits they will not look things up when it comes to formula as the formula or government will tell them if there is an issue, and while they will follow hospital policy and not question health care, and they will give all vaccines with no question as to their side effects or safety, they seem comfortable fully ignoring the World Health Org statement that babies should be breastfed till at least 2 years old.

That sounds like a reason to feel guilty, that is sheeply, a lazy one at that.

(To my dear friends who formula feed. You know your not sheeple, else I would not be friends with you! you question, you work hard, you do your best and as I know all too personally, sometimes you just have to use formula. That is different than this. Please know I love you!)

The Stroller Gang, spending more time picking a stroller and researching a custom order baby bag than being worried about what they put into their babies. -sigh-

1 Comment

  1. Jessica

    Kim, would you be interested in doing a guest post on The Leaky Boob about your experience? I think a lot of women would benefit from hearing your story.

    As for the Stroller Gang, it makes me sad that they feel so insecure in their parenting choices that when mere information is provided they feel guilty and attacked.

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