5 Minute Pie

When a busy mom trying to homeschool, keep a spotless house, and craft, needs to make something yummy fast this might just be it.

Peanut Butter Cream cheese Pie.
Recipe can be found here:

I even made this faster by buying the gramcracker pie crust at the store. This could be a cheap pie if I had not done that and used organics in it. Super fast though, less than 5 minutes. Now it just needs to set. My older girls heard me and the hand mixer and woke up to see what I was up to. Course they got to lick spoons and love it. I hope it sets well and they love it tomorrow!


  1. Goddess Amaunet

    Made an organic one in a glass dish and I swear it tasted better and I felt better giving it to those I care about! 🙂

    Pie Crust:
    1/4 cup organic butter
    1 1/2 cup organic gram cracker crumbs.
    1/4 cup organic sugar
    Dash of cinnimon

    8oz Organic Cream Cheese Soft (Mix this first with
    1/2 Cup organic Peanut Butter (then)
    1 cup powdered organic sugar
    2 TBS organic milk (then fold in)
    3/4 pint organic heavy whipping cream (Fluff into whipcream before folding in!)

    Let Chill in Fridge 4 hours before serving.

    Warning it is evil! 🙂

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