NaNoWriMo — Day 16

NaNoWriMo today went beautifully even though sleep was very hard to come by last night. I am over half way and just so excited at how well this NaNo is…

American Values?

While the Occupy movement in NYC got evicted today and the court not supporting our constitutional right to do so there is little news or out rage over the abuse…

NaNoWriMo — Day 14

For the Love of Writing! My NaNo is going beautifully, no year before have I gotten through week 2 so smoothly. Well smoothly with the story, not so much life.…

NaNoWriMo — Day 10

Week 2 curse is hitting strong today. I woke up with a swollen tongue and no other signs of anything being wrong. My tongue has indents of all my teeth…

November 6th

NaNoWriMo Day 6: Word Count Finished. Today was not a horrible day! My love, being the romantic he is made it as good as it could be. I spent a…

November 5th

Today was a nice fall day, dry and crisp and warm in the sun. We took all the kids outside to play as we have a nice play ground right…

November 4th

18 month old + Halloween Candy = Hysterical Smile baby is fond of the organic pops as it turns out. She does not really focus on eating them though and…