10 wonderful Natural Toys for 1-2 year olds

10 wonderful Natural Toys for 1-2 year olds

Natural Toys List Gift

I often get asked what I will be getting my children for the holidays, and their birthdays. Of course love and yummy food and time with family but what loved ones really want to know is what gifts they can give kids that they will love! As for toys, a lot of thought goes into them. We are a waldorf inspired crunchy family and while not all our toys are natural, they are the ones we buy first!

Here is my list for 1 year olds and 2 year olds. Remember less is more and quality matters when it comes to natural toys.

List Updated June 2017! 

Play Silk Natural Toy 1 year old gift

The number 1 toy any child should have are play silks. For a baby, they should always be watched when playing with them so they do not get tangled up. They love how soft these are and love to cuddle up. For this age I only get one or two.


Rainbow People Boat
This toy helps with fine motor skills. Toddlers like to sort and resort things. The bright little peg people let them do this. They are smooth, wooden, and safe. My husband has a toy wooden boat like this that he had as a baby. They last!


Rainbow People Mover
Toddlers love to roll things. This toy has all the wonderful features as the one above but it adds more little peg people and lets them match up colors. It also rolls. We have one of these as well and love it.

wooden toy for 1 year old gift


Push Toys

If you 1 year old is not walking a solid wooden toy like this could help give him confidence. If your little one is walking already this would still be a wonderful gift, toddlers love to move toys from one place to another and many of them already have a favorite doll or stuffed animals they would like to baby.




Pull Toys!

This is an adorable wooden duck pull toy, the wooden egg fits perfectly into little hands. Toddlers love to pull things and this doesn’t change. I see much older children thrilled to pull little toys behind them. There are so many adorable pull toys out there in many price ranges!

waldorf doll amazon affordable gift

Waldorf Dolls

You little one might be ready for a soft waldorf doll. You can buy them online or at specialty shops or make them yourself. They are dolls that could last a life time if well cared for. Boys and Girls both benefit from having dolls.



Nesting Toys

You can find many different kinds of nesting toys. From bright colors to natural wood, cups shapes and even some that look like rainbows and waves. Toddlers like to arrange things and without prompting often find the order of them all on their own.




Simple Blocks

It is not too early for simple blocks. It does not need to be a large set, you can add to it later. this is a great toy for older siblings to play with younger or for grandparents to play with baby. Blocks speak to all ages and are a timeless toy.

One of the best toys I think you can get any young child, that I find babies about 2 love so dearly, are wooden play kitchens! Getting a truly quality one can be costly but they last unlike all the other ones!

Toddlers at this age are now learning to dance. As little babies they loved to be sung to, loved music, this has not changed. A great gift is a song book for the parents that will grow with the child and a CD that they can listen to together. Music can change moods and too often parents forget to use it to help their days be smooth and loving.


If you know me, you know I couldn’t make a list and not include at least one book. Some might not think of a book as a toy but I think toys are fun, and books are fun. While a toddler most likely can not read yet, that does not mean you should not be reading to her every day. I personally will be getting the above book for my children this year as we have “The Root Children” and love it and this is along those same lines. Beautiful pictures, whimsy, and it speaks to nature and the heart of a child. Books can be passed on to grandchildren! When looking at gifts, think about how likely it might be that the item will be able to be passed on!

I hope this list helps you! If you have other natural toys that you think I should add to this list or another, please leave me a comment!


natural gifts for 1 and 2 year old babies


  1. Unknown

    We have most of the lovely toys you mentioned at http://www.hazelnutkids.com. Thank you for promoting natural toys for the young as they are best! (I apologize for the shameless plug.)
    ~ Tracy Coe (owner)

  2. Rachelle

    Moms, teach your toddlers the value of fitness at an early age. Buy them safe gym equipment replicas from WODtoys.

    Fitness Toys for Kids

    • Scherry Hodges

      I think this is silly. Children who are screen free get more than enough exercise naturally in nature or just running around the house. Why push industry and adult concepts onto our little ones? Please let them be little, feed them natural foods, and protect them from a too adult oriented world. : )

      • Kimberly Storms

        Just what toys do you not approve of and for what reasons? I think your missing the point in that many people “gift” and this is an age group some wonder about specially if they do not have a child in this age range yet or it has been a while since the have! Just ideas!

  3. Little Crunchy - Kimberly

    Rachelle, I agree that fitness is important but I do not think we would get those toys for our children. They are plastic, and there are other great long lasting objects to help toddlers work on their body skills.

  4. edna sophie

    hi,am starting a children resource center in kenya and will be glad if people donated their old waldorf toys.If interested to help please contact me for more information

  5. Savannah

    Love this list as I’m shopping for my one year old now! What size play silk would you recommend?

    • Kimberly Storms

      I would recommend getting a few sizes as they get older but the 35″ x 35″ is a great starting size for a little one!

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