“In God I DON’T Trust”

“In God We Trust” has not always been the Motto, nor has it always been on our money.
Nor was “under god” in the pledge for many years until it was added to fight communism. I believe “God” is again being used to manipulate the masses, a kind of slight of hand trick one could say. The GOP saying “Look Over There” while they do nothing about the 25 million Americans out of work and the world economy threatening to come down on all of our heads.

While thousands of good Americans are Occupying our public areas in hope of bringing about change, Congress is looking the other way and talking about an invisible being none of them can prove is even real. If we “God” was to be trusted would we be in this mess? Why waist time on reaffirming something already there if not to distract from the real issues, that congress is in the pockets of the 1% and that our government is for sale?

I am a Military wife. I love my country, I adore my husband and am so thankful to him for his 13 years of service so far. It isn’t always easy, specially when our constitution is being abused by the government that should support it.

Our Constitution states that government shall ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ So wouldn’t “In God we Trust” we a law of establishment? No they do not say what God, but we know what they mean and how they are using it. It is pathetic. I neither trust your Invisible friend, and these days I don’t feel like I can trust many of his followers who rather point at him than do as his so called “son” commanded and actually help their neighbors. I guess though they only think they need to help the Neighbors in their 1% neighborhoods?

I have zero respect for anyone who says they are a follower of “Jesus” and in the same breath will not support public health care and support for those who can’t help themselves. He said you should not judge, but to help. Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk as the rest of us can see right through you. Not everyone is a sheeple.


  1. T.L. Ryder

    Thanks for this. Sometimes I feel like the lone homeschool mom in the wilderness crying out about the original Pledge and E Pluribus Unum. 🙂

  2. A little crunchy - Kimberly

    T.L. Ryder Sometimes I forget I am not alone talking to myself here. 🙂 I post because sometimes I go searching for others like me and it is a gift to find them. Thanks for finding me here. We are not alone. 🙂

  3. adventureswithtuco

    Amen, sister. 😉
    I completely agree with this: “I have zero respect for anyone who says they are a follower of “Jesus” and in the same breath will not support public health care and support for those who can’t help themselves.”
    You got yourself a new secular follower. Thanks for posting this.

  4. Shalom

    I just found your blog and this post. Hear, hear. I feel like I have to be so delicate in order not to offend religious relatives and acquaintances, but they aren’t concerned about not offending me!

  5. Megan Holcomb

    God gave us free will. It’s not his fault for any of the evil that is in the world. We can’t forget that the devil is the prince of this world until Jesus comes back, which won’t be much longer I’m afraid. Then everyone who was ever born shall be judged. The whole in “God we trust ” or however it goes. That has nothing to do with Our creator, or his son . I really think that the God that our money is worshipping is really code for Gold, Oil, Drugs. That is my opinion though. So please go to the duckduckgo app and dig deeper on it. Thank you and always know God is love.

    • Thank you for your thoughts on this Megan. I am glad you have faith that sustains and supports you. I am always open to new ideas and ways of thinking. I really love my life and posts like this are more aimed at those like me who believe a bit different than the majority in authority as they say. We can be good without god too, I promise life is good on this side too! 🙂

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