Aug 15 — I love PBS is a fantastic community of people. Our little homeschool was blessed with 15 books for 3 credits. Credits are gotten by mailing books to others or by buying them.…

Day 188 — Sick

I am finally accepting that the pain I have been feeling is not going away. It hit in a way it never has and has me scared, has my family…

Day 187

The most amazing person I have ever met had a birthday today. This is Storm Baby counting the birthday links, they love making these for just about any reason. I…

Day 186

No no no, bottles are not crunchy parenting. Notice the title of this blog however? A little crunchy. Sadly not everything we do is considered crunchy. If you know me,…

Day 184

Nights like this make me so happy with my life. It was about 10pm and our Smilie Baby a bit over a year old had no interest in sleep. This…

Day 182

Green Water The last few years military housing has come a long way. However not all of it has. Here on Ft. Meade I have been dealing with the above.…

Day 181

I can very well do without God both in my life and in my painting, but I cannot, suffering as I am, do without something which is greater than I…

Day 180

Drum away the storm. I love them. I love how I wake with wonder over what we will learn together. I love how each is different. Yet when a storm…