A long needed update!

Pixie daughter is doing wonderfully in gymnastics, dog training, and her home studies. January is being filled with math and it is being enjoyed. My little Monkey boy and his…

New Tricks

This getting older Mommy needs some new tricks so starting on the 15th I am taking a free online course. My goal is to one, get better at taking pictures…

Happy Mothers Day!

Today I m reminded of the many blessings in my life, specially the ones I have a hand in. My children are healthy and well cared for and loved. My…

The Vaccination Battle

While my own family faces our own vaccination battle I thought I should share the following in hopes someone finds it interesting. I would never expect someone to not vaccinate…

For Love

I have not blogged in a while and I thought it might be nice to look at a little trip from last month that we took to see dear friends…

Change in the Air

This blog has changed it's name! Our Hope Pixie daughter in all her 9 year old wonder and 9 year change, would like to re-name her homeschool. We are not…

Tonight made history for America and I hope for the world. As my little Army family gathered around all the computers watching different videos on different stations we talked to…

A little Explorer!

This past month we have moved from one desert to another. We have been busy exploring our new area, enjoying the end of the rainy season green. It is like…

Hogwarts Runes Class

Hogwarts Runes class is gong very well. Using a serger and a sewing machine Pixie daughter made a rune bag for her rune stones. The stones came in the tree…

The Deployment Baby

Dear super hubby left last October for Iraq. He took leave in Feb. and spent a wonderful two weeks of adventure with me sick, moving, friends, and children that had…