The Deployment Baby

Dear super hubby left last October for Iraq. He took leave in Feb. and spent a wonderful two weeks of adventure with me sick, moving, friends, and children that had already very much grown. Daughter 7, Pixie was all over him and enjoying every moment she could. Son, 14 months, Tigger was learning to walk and jump and climb. So much going on and yet some how we had time for hubby to leave us with another blessing. A deployment baby! Or maybe I should call baby a Leave baby. Friends warned us about getting pregnant but we just thought it a funny silly wonderful thing that was not going to happen to us. Yet it did!

All of a sudden I was one of those mothers I always felt the worst for on the wives lists. A wife alone when pregnant and a father missing the birth of his child. If things had gone as the army planned to start with, Hubby would have gotten home in time for the birth, but alas, he was extended. He should be home 3-4 months after. Sorrow… but honestly it is not as hard as I thought it would be. Just another little one to care for. Just something more to get through till he gets home.

This will be a special birth, our first home birth. Though the pregnancy has thus far been harder then any other I have had, this seems the best and safest path for us. We are not conventional when it comes to the modern medical world. Lots of research, family history, has us choosing to not vax and other things that make us not normal in a hospital. Not to mention that I and my son got sick last time I had a hospital birth. So aside from first losing 25lbs and then gaining back 10 so far, all seems well. I trust the midwives we have picked to keep us safe and the doula I hope to have to keep my spirits up and the friend that shall be my support to keep me from being a big baby. All of this my hubby supports and I know he would be amazing if he could be here. For now, I just need to hold on to my faith, our love, and his energy from so far away.

The emotions I have had for this pregnancy have been up and down and wild. It would be a blog on them alone though. Maybe more about that come another time.

Thanks for listening to me ramble!


    • Kimberly Storms

      THIS is what happen when bloggers make new friends… new friends read all the old stuff that is now a distant memory! LOL

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