NaNoWriMo — Day 16

NaNoWriMo today went beautifully even though sleep was very hard to come by last night. I am over half way and just so excited at how well this NaNo is…

NaNoWriMo — Day 14

For the Love of Writing! My NaNo is going beautifully, no year before have I gotten through week 2 so smoothly. Well smoothly with the story, not so much life.…

NaNoWriMo — Day 10

Week 2 curse is hitting strong today. I woke up with a swollen tongue and no other signs of anything being wrong. My tongue has indents of all my teeth…

November 6th

NaNoWriMo Day 6: Word Count Finished. Today was not a horrible day! My love, being the romantic he is made it as good as it could be. I spent a…

November 5th

Today was a nice fall day, dry and crisp and warm in the sun. We took all the kids outside to play as we have a nice play ground right…

November 4th

18 month old + Halloween Candy = Hysterical Smile baby is fond of the organic pops as it turns out. She does not really focus on eating them though and…

November 2nd

NaNoWriMo Update: Look left, look right, be a ninja on your toes and watch out for the distracting plot bunnies that will try and get you to trip down a…

November 1st — NANOWRIMO!

NaNoWriMo! Welcome to November. I adore this month! NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. A months where thousands spend a month trying to write a novel. Some win, some don't.…