Weird Wednesday – What is that?



This little night lover is a sugar glider. She is about 5 weeks out of pouch and still nursing. Soon though she will be ready for a new home. Sugar gliders are have spread across America as weird little pets. Originally from Australia they are considered exotic pets and as such the assumption is that they are not easy to care for.  Of course “easy” is a relative term. The facts though are that these little animals are not like cats and dogs and hamsters, they can’t simply live off a bowl of dry food and water bottle. This might come as a shock to you and it if does I am very sorry but you have been fooled by the glider mills/brokers/industry. Ask any good breeder and you will learn that gliders much like humans do best on a raw and healthy fresh diet of the proper fruits and veggies and proteins.

Warning: Adorable Little Captives

So dinners for sugar gliders take about 5 – 10 minutes a night. Some of the needed nutrition for them can often be found just online. They are up ALL NIGHT and so consider now if you can give them the attention they deserve as your little captives. That’s right, captives, as having just 1 sugar glider is not acceptable. They are colony animals and need to live with at least one other glider. Males need to be neutered by a exotic vet if living with a female. Females can not be neutered. Sugar gliders are smelly, they have scent glands! Some will say if you feed them this or that or clean the cage…. the fact is most of them don’t smell their own pets. It is there, and more so if you have intact males!  They bite! Come on now, you know this, if they have teeth, they can bite. Not all do, but many, specially if they have not bonded to you. They can draw blood too. They can be fierce little things. They are not quiet at night. They bark, crab, and love to trash their cage, it gets loud!

Before going out to get an adorable weird little pet, consider the above!


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