The Vaccine Debate Continues

Markus Heinze, the author of VACCeptable Injuries: Increasing Childhood Diseases & Developmental Disorders was recently on two talk radio shows, after the last one many people flocked to his site to attack his view, without having read his book or looking into the research he shared. A facebook site was even formed in an effort to attack his views. I found it all very disturbing. I asked him if he might take a few of the questions or comments he had gotten and respond to them in a post I could share here. These are the ones he picked:

1)      Martin posted:

Why don’t you tell us how we can find causation without placebo?

Markus Heinze answers:

Any trained scientist or statistician understands that you want to use a null hypothesis to disprove a possible causal relationship between two correlated events. The null hypothesis in this case would be: There is no causal connection between vaccinations and their alleged adverse short-term and long-term side effects.


If we were going to test this hypothesis, I would randomly sample research subjects (a large sample size of perhaps 100,000 would help exclude other factors) and divide the subjects into two groups. One group will get the vaccine, and the other group would receive a saline shot. Both groups would then be monitored for at least four weeks to observe whether short-term side effects were more prevalent in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group.


To determine whether or not there is a causal link between vaccinations and long-term medical complications would be a little more difficult. Nonetheless, if one group of subjects has received a placebo and the other has received the vaccine, it would be possible to mail a questionnaire to randomly selected parents who have chosen to immunize their children and to an equal-sized group of those who haven’t. A phone interview could also take place. This would be a good starting point to see whether there are differences in the long-term health and development of vaccinated children versus that of non-vaccinated children. If no significant differences are found between the two groups in either the short term or long term, then the pro-vaccine factions can rejoice, because they’ve disproven the anti-vaccinators’ claims and proved that the vaccine in question does not cause short-term or long-term complications.


If researchers wanted to know the truth about vaccines’ effects, it would be easy enough to discover.


2)      Dana posted:

My mom took my brother for ONE vaccine. He was autistic the next DAY. SEVERELY autistic. But we did not have that word back in those days. And you know what else was different back in those days??? A pediatrician who was capable of honesty without fear of losing his license. Yep not a doctor one EVER denied the cause of his neurological damage.


Markus Heinze answers:

Dr. Maurice Hilleman provides us with the reality of vaccine safety issues, whereas your average pediatrician gives you the sugar-coated version. Dr. Hilleman’s insights explain perfectly the rise in autoimmune disorders and childhood cancers we are experiencing since the introduction of mass vaccination. According to Dr. Hilleman’s revelations, the scientific vaccine community seems to be aware of the risks vaccines pose. However, the concern of this scientific community is not particularly with your child, but with the continuation of a vaccination program that bears immense known and unknown risks. But the risks Dr. Maurice Hilleman referred to are all too visible in most vaccine inserts. You’re left with a little yellow slip informing you of minor side effects. As a parent, it is up to you to choose in whom you place your trust when it comes to the safety of your child. Yes, your unvaccinated child may contract a disease naturally, but injecting a cancer virus into your child is a whole different story.


3)      Stacy posted:

The people who do not agree with you (being critical of vaccines) are scientists, health officials, pediatricians and other educated people.

Markus Heinze response:

Most parents only see their children’s pediatrician and a few other doctors routinely. They come to believe that all doctors and medical professionals share the opinion that vaccines are good and necessary. This isn’t true. Many credible doctors ranging from neurosurgeons to pediatricians, as well as other health professionals ranging from nurses to professors advocate for more credible vaccine research and warn about the dangers of vaccines.

Here’s what some of them have written:

  • “Safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short periods. For this reason, there are valid grounds for suspecting that many delayed-type vaccine reactions may be taking place unrecognized” (Dr. Harold Buttram, FAACP, author of Vaccines and Genetic Mutations).
  • “Vaccine trials are flawed because they aren’t designed to detect associations between vaccinations and autoimmune disease,” (Dr. J. Bart Classen, former researcher, National Institute of Health).
  • “There is no credible scientific data to demonstrate that the injection of multiple antigens into a body is safe and effective” (Stephen C. Marini, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology and Immunology).
  • “I would challenge any colleague, clinician, or research scientist to claim we have a basic understanding of the human newborn immune system. It is well-established in studies in animal models that the newborn immune system is very distinct from the adolescent or adult. In fact, the immune system in humans can be easily perturbed to ensure it cannot respond properly in life” (Bonnie Dunbar Ph.D., Professor of Immunobiology, Baylor College of Medicine).
  • “For an individual child, the risk is greater from the whooping cough vaccine than the disease” (Dr. Joanne Hatem, Medical Director, VaccineNationalInformationCenter).



Born and raised in Germany, Markus Heinze came to America when he was twenty-three years old. As a volunteer, he taught at small Catholic schools and repaired houses during the summer. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Northern Kentucky University and a master’s degree in secondary education from Union College. For fifteen years now, he has taught German and French in several different public schools. He is married to another elementary school teacher, and they have two young children.


“Using a highly personal approach, VACCeptable Injuries: Increasing Childhood Diseases & Developmental Disorders educates parents about the scientifically-documented risks involved in vaccination. Author Markus Heinze speaks from traumatic personal experience, as the father of a vaccine-injured child. His daughter developed type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease, at the age of three-and-a-half-years old. After much research in scientific journals and federal databases, he has concluded that a Hepatitis B vaccine, administered shortly after her birth, is to blame.”

If you would like to learn more you can find his book in many places including Amazon

VACCeptable Injuries: Increasing Childhood Diseases & Developmental Disorders (Volume 1)

And you can follow his blog:

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