How to Make Your New House Feel Like a Home in Three Steps


Once you have finally moved into your new residence, you might feel like you are living in an empty warehouse with no character. With your treasured belongings still tucked away in their boxes for the time being, there are a few simple things that you can do to begin making your house your own. With some dedication to the task, you can infuse each room with warmth, benevolence, and laughter.

House into a home

Use Soft Lighting

In addition to a brand new interior paint job, you should also consider your lighting choices carefully. Hard overhead lights will provide plenty of luminescence, but they might also create an atmosphere that is not all that welcoming. By setting up your main rooms with some soft lamp light, you can completely transform the character of the house. You might even choose some vibrant lampshades in order to throw some colorful hues on the walls, you’ll find that living rooms can be made especially comforting in this way.

Paint, Paint, Paint!

One of the best ways to add zest to the interior is to either splash some paint on the walls yourself, or hire a reputable painting contractor, like a Houston painting contractor. No longer will you be forced to wake up in the morning to forlorn white walls, with some splashes of color here and there, you can reinvigorate the house and get your ownership started on the right foot. If the house is completely devoid of any sort of accent color, you might ask the contractor to use liberal amounts of green, blue, and red. Fiery colors, when added in just the right quantities, can give the residence an inviting feel that will be elegant and down-to-Earth at the same time.

Organize Your Sleeping Quarters

Because your bedroom should always be your humble abode, you should concentrate on putting it together before any other room in the house. Before you go to sleep on your first night in the new residence, you should make up your bed with clean sheets, a warm blanket, and a thick, fluffy comforter, you’ll be ready to jump into the open arms of the night. As you go through the days ahead, you should make it a point to put your bed in order each day, as a regular routine will turn your house into a home in no time.

In the end, you might also invite some close friends to the house during your first month there. By cooking up some lovely pastries and serving some perfectly brewed coffee and English tea, you can fill the residence with the sights and sounds of love, friendship, and laughter.

Author Bio

Melisa Cammack is an interior design lover, mother of three children, Seattle native, and hopes to soon be a published book author.
Melisa is currently writing on behalf of, specializing in interior and exterior painting for residential and commercial Houston painters.

1 Comment

  1. Kandi

    These are some great tips. The painting is the biggest one. When you look for a house- look past the wall colors. Imagine what you want because that will help make your house feel like “home”

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