Why Pouches for Baby Food?


For babies just starting out on solids I think the jars are still the way to go for baby food. You can never tell if they are going to eat just a spoonful or a whole jar. Jars keep for up to 72 hours in the fridge. They are also easier to use than pouches when it comes to mixing with breastmilk, something many breastfeeding mothers do to help babies starting on solids. There are also so many flavors in the var variety than there are in the pouches at the moment and we know that variety is important in shaping babies taste pallet.

Easier by far in my opinion though are the pouches and these are what we use with our toddler and the snack ones for our older kids. The yogurt ones are specially loved by our bigger kids. Either way though, I think the important part in this is the BRAND. Earth’s Best is organic and they proect our kids from the untested GMO’s that have flooded our food supply and are not labeled. Thank you Earth’s Best for understanding a parents valid worry in this area. We do not want franken food given to our most delicate of citizens.  It should be criminal in my opinion to not label such foods. Why is it not a basic right to know what we are eating? I love that this brand understands the importance of knowing what we are putting into the bodies of our children. Yes, it costs them more, but it so worth it don’t you think?


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