There are places that still do not have Recycling?


I have to admit, I had forgotten a bit what life is like when living in GA. Who can blame me? It has been about 10 years and plus, this is a different part of GA. One shouldn’t paint a whole canvas the same color right? Oh goodness me I find myself so very annoyed with how antiquated things are. I have tried to be patient, really I have but why does the town insist that you go down to the public works department (and why don’t they have a clear website with working phone number and instructions?) just to change service over to your name? Most places you can do it over the phone or even online. Here though I had to go in and find the one person who does such things and of course she takes odd hours for lunch and she only does them till 3 in the afternoon because I guess there are important things to do the last few hours before she gets off work?

What does all this have to do with Recycling you ask?

You have to understand the back story you see, to understand why I got upset when I found out that not only do we have to hire a private company to pick up trash here but that they don’t do recycling. It seems many areas around here still don’t. One of the things about being a big family is that we have a lot of waist, we try not to, and it is an area of guilt but like so many the thing that makes it just a little better is how much effort we have put into recycling. Normally we would have way more in recycling waste than in the trash waist bin. Now, living here the recyclables have stacked up. None of us certain of what to do yet but none of wanting to put such things in the trash, it just seems to wrong in this day and age.

So you know the answer already I am sure. We need to find a recycling center around here and figure out what they take and make a plan to get them those things on a regular basis. The trash pick up company said that Recycling is coming, but they don’t know when. Maybe I should call or write to them and ask about the situation? Something as to give. If people cared half as much about the planet and those that have to actually live on it in the future here they would spend less time on their hellfire, damnation, and religiosity, and more time on basic recycling and public education. That though is a rant for another day!


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