Crunchy Mommies for Healthy Babies: Five Steps to Healthier Living

Baby Your Baby


1. Practice Healthy Breastfeeding


Virtually everyone agrees that breastfeeding is healthier for babies than formula, even if formula needs to be used on occasion for the purposes of convenience. However, not everyone pays attention to how the breastfeeding is done. While mommy is still breastfeeding it’s important that she continues to pay as much attention to her diet as she did while she was pregnant. This means avoiding junk foods, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, abstaining from alcohol and nicotine, and avoiding any forms of hormonal medications.


2. Make Your Own Baby Food


A conscientious mother can avoid chemical ingredients in their baby food by making their baby food themselves. While there are organic and healthy baby food alternatives on the market, making their own baby food is the only way a mother can truly know that quality ingredients are going into the dishes. With a good blender and a little inventiveness a mother can create full meals for their baby that are healthy and satisfying, as well as probably a great deal more pleasant than traditional baby food. This can also be a great way to save on money. Check out blender reviews to choose the best appliance for your needs.


3. Avoid The Sun


While the outdoors are great for the baby the sun isn’t, so healthy moms should cover their children whenever going into the sun, even for a quick jaunt to the store. Large hats and covered strollers are absolutely critical, even when it’s overcast. Many parents believe it’s impossible to get sun burnt when it is cloudy out, but in fact it’s actually more likely.


4. Learn About Medications And Vaccinations


Medications and vaccinations are a very controversial topic today and many disagree whether they are healthy or unhealthy. While everyone has their own opinion about the matter, what’s most important is that a mother learns about these very important issues and then makes an educated decision about their baby’s future and health. It’s also important to listen to reputable sources and not to make any rash decisions based on word of mouth, habit, or trends.


5. Start Learning Early


One of the most recent trends for new parents is the adoption of a simplified sign language for their children. This enables babies to communicate with their parents before they can verbalize sounds, such as being able to tell their parents that they want something specifically, that they are hungry, or that a particular area hurts. This can be a great way to invigorate a baby’s mind and also tell if there is something wrong with them.

1 Comment

  1. H.D. Worley

    Our children are raised but we are strong believers in breast feeding, making baby food,avoiding much sun (especially without a strong sunblock), and we never rushed into vaccinations and shots. We had close friends who had severe outcome from baby vaccinations. Our children mostly refused baby food but would eat blended table food.

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