Creative and fun date ideas for a night at home



Going out can be quite expensive these days but that doesn’t mean that date night should be disposed of. There are plenty of other options. The following article lists some great ideas for date nights at home.

Taste night

Perhaps the two of you have a favourite drink, whether it’s wine, tequila, vodka, whiskey or beer just make choice because they all work. Once you have chosen your poison you can set-up a mini-taste testing night at home. This is a great opportunity to try that beer you have been putting off because you were afraid you wouldn’t appreciate the sharp bitter taste. It’s hard sometimes to change from our go-to choice; this night motivates you to experiment.

Choose a variety of your poison, glasses, spring water and unsalted crackers. It’ll be like you are on vacation. If you want to do something more substantial you can make some canapés.

Movie marathon

A movie marathon is an absolute classic. Cosy cuddles are a necessity during this date night. It’s a really great opportunity to spend a couple of quiet hours together, just appreciating each other’s company. It’s also relatively cheap. All you need is a movie and maybe some snack. Settle in and enjoy some movies together. If you decide on a marathon rather than a single movie try to go for similar themes. You should both choose a movie or at least decide together. You want to both enjoy the night after all. If you don’t watch them all save them for next time. Worst-case scenario, you fall asleep on the couch together.

Cook together

If you both enjoy cooking, why not cook together? Get experimental in the kitchen with a meal that neither of you have cooked before. If there is a recipe that you have been putting off trying because you don’t think you can’t handle the technique, this is your chance. You can share jobs and responsibility. Worst case scenario, it ends up horribly and you both get to laugh about it. It will be a story to share with your friends. If you have nothing in mind, try watching a cooking show together and then choose a dish together. It will extend the night out and get you motivated. Get some music playing and have a couple of glasses of wine. Set up your dining table with a lovely cloth, place mats and candles.

Board games

Turn off the television and put away your phones, this night is all about escaping technology and appreciating some good old fashion one-on-one time. Get out your old child favourites; Trivial Pursuit, Twister, Boggle and Twister. Open a bottle of wine and set out some nibbles. It may sound a bit dull but it’s a great opportunity to be together and not be interrupted. You can make it naughty if you’re feeling adventurous. There are plenty of other options out there. Get creative and think about what you and your partner love to do. You wouldn’t be together if you didn’t have something in common. If you’re both arty, why not have a craft night and do something silly like design your own custom stickers. In the end it’s all about being together.


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