6 Self-Care Tips When Menstruating

It is no secret that our bodies do not feel the best when we are menstruating and a few days prior. Starting from cramps to fatigue and bloating, it can be a really tough period of time to handle. What’s worse is that it happens each month and makes us feel like there is no end in sight. However, the good news is that you can minimize a little discomfort you may experience in the menstrual cycle and the days before your period if you practice self-care and wellness tactics.

Let us take a look at some of the best ways you can treat yourself with some extra care while you are on the period.  

  1. Eat right

It is very common to crave sugary foods and carbs when your period nears but it can also cause the energy levels to crash in addition to mood swings, water retention, and bloating. Do not reach out for bagels, cookies, or other carbohydrates. Instead, try to eat healthy and focus on protein. You need to eat the right fats to keep your blood sugar levels stable. It will also reduce inflammation and bloating. You must drink plenty of water to ensure digestion and hormone regulation. It is advisable to use a water softener system to ensure you drink only quality water. You must ensure that you eat a varied diet that is high in minerals and vitamins. There are some vitamins like thiamine and riboflavin that will reduce the risk of PMS. 

2.  Rest well 

Many women feel fatigued or have trouble sleeping when the period is near. You must get enough sleep in the period to ensure that your hormones are stabilized and you feel more energized. It helps to create an environment that will encourage you to stay well-rested. Hence, make sure the room has the right temperature, stay away from the screen for a few hours, and set a schedule where you sleep and wake up at the same time every day. 

3. Stay active

If you want to handle the period symptoms and cramps, a little bit of exercise will go a long way. Try joining yoga to reduce stress and cramps, even walking can encourage the body to release the mood-enhancing endorphins. You should keep an eye on the energy levels and opt for a workout that feels good. Remember, just because you have your period does not mean you should shy away from the workouts at all times. You can even work out on the first day of the period. This is when you will have more strength and energy than usual. But if you feel tired, just listen to your body and opt for a light workout. 

4. Use heating pads

Heat is a great way to reduce pain and ease the tension that comes with periods. You can use a heating pad, opt for a warm bath or take a hot shower. It will also help you feel comfortable and more relaxed in general. Add a little Epsom salt in the bath for additional pain relief. 

5.  Slow down

We live a fast-paced life and it is rare to have a quiet moment or downtime. There are people who often get uncomfortable with downtime but it is a part of your life. If you have internal programming of guilt that you always have to be productive, it will make it difficult for you to take a rest. You will know when the period is coming and you can schedule the particular week a little lighter. It is advisable to ask somebody to share the responsibilities with you. You can also write down and block off time for yourself. This will ensure you have the creative juices and energy to handle what you have to. 

6.  Step outside

I cannot stress this one enough. You may feel like the world is crumbling when you are on the period but you must make it a point to step outside. Go for a walk. Any exercise you do will release the endorphins from your brain and reduce stress or anxiety. The least you can do is step out and take in the fresh air. Even if you do not feel like it, push yourself to do it. 

All of us have to go through the monthly cycle but there are effective ways to handle it. No matter how busy you are or whether you have the time for a hot bath or not, just take it slow and do what your body asks for. Pay attention to the body and do not force yourself to work or pull an all-nighter. Eating right and sleeping well can make a lot of difference to your body and if you build solid habits, you will see the results in the long term. 


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