Turbos Vs. Arch Wires: What’s The Best Way To Correct Increased Overbite?

It is often said that a smile is worth a thousand words, so it is no wonder people want their teeth to be in the best condition. There are many things that can go wrong with teeth if they aren’t properly cared for, but an overbite can be one of the most frustrating.

What is an Increased Overbite?

An increased overbite occurs when the top front teeth extend over the bottom front teeth. While it is common for people to have a slight overbite, a more severe one can lead to numerous problems. Some of these issues include speech impediments, breathing issues, trouble chewing, damage to other teeth, pain when chewing, and changes in facial appearance. 

Overbites are not something that can be fixed at home or with do-it-yourself methods, so stay on track by finding the Best Dentist Near Me. While it is possible to live with an overbite, there is always a chance of it becoming more severe and causing long-term damage to the teeth, jaw, and overall health of the mouth. 

There are numerous ways to fix an overbite, but in order to find the best method for you, you should consult with a dentist or orthodontist. This will ensure that you correct your overbite in a safe way. 

Are Turbos Better for Correcting Increased Overbites?

Bite turbos, or bite blocks, are tiny platforms attached to the front or back of the teeth. These are intended to keep the top and bottom teeth from coming into contact with each other while biting. This relieves the discomfort caused when lower braces and upper braces come into contact with one another. 

Unfortunately, it has been found that this discomfort can cause the aligning of the teeth to take longer or never take place at all. 

Turbos are placed on the back of the front teeth to act as a barrier between the back and front teeth. This also helps to avoid breaking the brackets when biting or chewing. 

Consulting with your orthodontist can help ensure you the results you want as safely as possible. Different methods work for different people, but there has been no significant evidence discovered that turbos work better than regular braces. In fact, turbos assist overbites just as much as an archwire, but they help decrease the discomfort and pain of teeth touching while realigning. 

Are Arch Wires Better for Correcting Increased Overbites?

Archwire, on the other hand, is a wire that is used alongside braces to correct the position of the teeth. Archwire works by applying pressure to the teeth and jawline. This causes the teeth to shift and move back into the correct place over a period of time. 

The wire on braces has to be periodically adjusted in order to achieve the desired results, so it is important to have frequent checkups with your orthodontist. Archwire has proven to be no more effective than turbos, so speaking with your dentist or orthodontist is the best way to decide what will work better for your situation. 

Time to Correct Your Overbite

Both turbos and archwire have proven to be effective methods for realigning the teeth. In fact, no evidence has declared that one is better than the other. In order to effectively correct an increased overbite, the best place to start would be speaking to your orthodontist and analyzing your dental health and situation.


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