5 Ways to Introduce Technology Into Homeschool

5 Ways to Introduce Technology Into Homeschool

When it comes to homeschool, it is understandable to see many parent teachers keeping kids away from the threat of technology. There is a fear that it will interfere with their learning and distract them from the curriculum. However, if you implement it correctly and thoughtfully, technology can add a lot of value to a homeschool education. Here are 5 ways to introduce technology into the homeschool classroom that will add a more interactive and fun way of learning:

1. Laptops. Having a computer in the house is just convenient, simple as that. From paper writing to research, students should have access to a laptop in order to excel in their studies. There are ways you can monitor their use and set time limits on how long they can be on the computer, but when it comes down to it, they need to work on a computer. The kids will love them and learn to appreciate the value of them in their education.

2. Educational TV. While it makes sense that you want to create a TV free atmosphere, especially during schooling hours, kids do need access to some TV. Satellite TV has access to many different educational channels that will help your students grow and be informed. Look at sites like  http://www.saveontvdirect.com/  for different packages and deals. If you are worried about them watching TV that you don’t approve of, you can easily set the parental controls to limit their access to certain channels.

3. Tablets. Like laptops, tablets can help to make your homeschool curriculum more interactive. There are thousands of educational apps out there that will help to develop critical skills, spelling skills, and math skills (among others!). Tablets are fairly cheap to find, if you search for the right deals, and will add a lot of value to a homeschooling education.

4. e-Readers. Having an e-reader can save you thousands of dollars on textbooks and reading books; not to mention lessen the clutter around the house. With more access to books and readers that have note-taking and highlighting capabilities, it would be hard not to allow kids to use these to read and learn.

5. Virtual learning. To save time and money on field trips and other activities, you can implement virtual learning into your homeschool curriculum. The Internet provides many different streaming sites that allow you to see live settings in real-time. Stream an aquarium to learn about the ocean, or a zoo to learn about flamingoes and gorillas. Virtual learning allows kids to be more interactive with their studies and can save you a lot of hassle when it comes to field trips and lessons.

While you want your kids to have a valuable education, there are ways to implement technology without having them succumb to their unproductive features. Simply set the ground rules right off the bat and create a good example of how technology can be useful for their education.

Image Source: theblaze.com





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