18 year old gets Married

This is not a news story, and it is not all that rare. However so many people seem to have opinions about this. Here is my opinion. I got married at 18. It has been 14 years now and still married to the love of my life. I adore him. I feel now as I do then, that life shouldn’t wait for love. My Meme waited so many years while my Pepe was away in the military. I didn’t want to be her. I had love and I wanted to share my life him, every moment we could get, every moment we can get. I wasn’t pregnant, in fact we waited 6 months to get pregnant and start a family. Another choice to not wait to do things in the future that we want. Life is too short to put off our hearts desire for a future that may never come. I am not saying do not plan for the future but don’t live in it as if it is a certainty for you. 
Young love does not always work out. Love in our 50’s doesn’t always either though right? We are human we make mistakes and things can take twists and turns we never expected. I am glad I bravely jumped into love though, I would not want it any other way. I am so blessed to have a husband that is so brave, no just in his military career but in taking this journey with me. I can be a handful! I have changed a lot since I was that little teenager who got into so much trouble when ever she could manage it. While I try to stay clear of trouble and I am not little anymore, I am still a handful! I think he is reminded of this every time he has to hunt for organic milk and sees the prices. He loves me anyway. 
Thank you for loving me for over 14 years now. Goodness we are lucky. 


  1. Shae Carcar

    How beautiful! I think that is so sweet and something hopefully I can achieve as well when the time is right. I’m not even 18 yet so I’m not thinking about that right now or anytime soon but I hope I can have what you have 🙂

    Shae @ Understanding Shae’s Story

  2. gina valley

    I’m so glad that your marriage has worked out so well for you. Personally, though, I disagree with getting married so young. I was married at almost 20 and I see now that was too young. I’m still happily married with kids 20 years later. No regrets, mind you, but lots of hind sight. I hope each of my children will wait until they are at least 25 to marry. It will give them time to finish their education, work, and find out who they are before they join with someone else. They will be more mature and whole as individuals and better able to be a supportive part of a couple. The right person will wait for the best time.

  3. Anonymous

    Such a sweet story!!I have one similiar. I married my best friend at 18 as well,God has blessed us with two beautiful children, a girl and a boy. We have been married 25 years. We are not military, but I agree with you on not wasting a moment. Time is precious and we are not promised tomorrow. So when you find that special someone and you want to commit to them at 18 then go for it. My mom got married at 16 and is still married to my dad, married 52 years now. 16 is a little young for me. But it worked for them. It’s not for everyone to marry young, but when people do get married young we should support their decision.

  4. Beth

    I’m so happy to see a post like this. I got married at 18, too, despite protests from both of our families. I don’t regret it for a moment and I love the fact that we have grown UP together.

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