What is going on with Hasbro and Critical Race Theory?

What is going on with Hasbro and Critical Race Theory?

Hasbro has been “exposed” for using real science, social science, and real history in an effort to help make our society less racist. Some are calling it Critical Race Theory and surely if Hasbro is using real science and not white-washed history in their efforts then that is what it is. And what is wrong with that?

Toys against Racism

 Imagine toys that are not based on a consumer color bias of the oppressor but rather well thought out and intentionally made to help fight racism? Does the word Oppressor trigger you? If you believe you are not part of the problem it shouldn’t right? The facts are though in the current American society we live with systemic racism. The pre-school to prison pipeline is terrifying and if you don’t know what I am talking about you badly need to look it up.

 Just what is Hasbro toy company doing that has some people all upset? It seems they are having meetings with their employees to help educate workers on racism, bias in early age children due to our society, and perhaps… what a toy company can do to fight racism, using studies and science. This apparently is a problem though for some who thought this needed to be a whistleblower moment and sent out PR e-mails to blogs like mine like a 4 alarm fire expecting us all to rise up against…. Anti-racism? Clearly, I didn’t take the e-mail the way they expected me to too.

The e-mail trying to make Critical Race Theory seem like things it is not though did make me wonder about the toys my family does love and our recommended toy list. I don’t think I ever added toys to it that were specifically inclusive. A sign of my privilege of course and something I will need to change!

Conscious Kids sharing hard facts about childhood racial bias

 Despite how Project Veritas tried to spin this one-sided story, I think Katie Ishizuka, Conscious Kids Co-Founder is working for the better good with hard hitting facts: “At the age of five, children show many of the same racial attitudes held by adults — children are really sensitive to the status of different racial groups in our society and show a high-status bias towards white people, which is the socially privileged group in our society. White children show pro-white bias at this age.” – Yup, that sucks! Racism is a learned trait (is my understanding) and in my experience children will play with other kids of all colors when not interfered with, certainly this has been our experience raising so many kids. However what about bias. If all little kids see all over and in their media and toys is white… surely you can see the problem right? What is so wrong with trying to change that?

I don’t understand how Project Veritas thinks they are reporting honestly and without bias….

Project Veritas – James O’Keefe – Did an interview to expose this Critical Race Theory issue but there is nothing in the article from someone who supports Hasbro trying to fight racism, actually this article is all one sided from one source. I am not sure how this is balance and honest reporting but -shrug-

This mama is buying more Hasbro toys because Critical Race Theory is actually important and helpful for a better society.

 So what did I take from this as a mother? Yay, more options for kids toys to hopefully help fight racism. Yup, we are white folk, yup through history whites have been oppressors. Especially in America. Yes, it is up to us to fix systemic racism on every level. Critical Race Theory is not about dividing people, it is about honest history facts. It doesn’t and shouldn’t make people feel warm and fuzzy. Things done by humans to other humans… we can’t whitewash it though and pretending to move on hasn’t worked. We need to learn and actually change. Thank you Hasbro for making an effort in the right direction.

Is this possibly the alarming and scary change that Project Veritas is reporting about? Do you see this old Hasbro game Perfection box showing just three white players about? Check out the new packaging below, it shows a black child playing the game. Just what is so upsetting about that? Nothing.

What are those so scared of Critical Race Theory specifically so scared about?


  1. T

    You have no idea what you’re talking about. Look forward to you being featured in a future retraction video.

    • Hmm…. I think you might be the one confused. I don’t do videos… you also seem to want to hide who you are, not impressed by the VPN, or corwards. In anycase, I am open to being wrong. What is it do you think I have no idea what I am talking about?

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