Wednesday Words – Discarded Repose



While my country is bust recovering from the shock of the Boston Marathon Bombing, I find comfort in my children’s never ending exploration of life. This little stuffed animal, a kitty belongs lovingly to my 5 year old daughter who left it on the stairs. I went to pick her up remembering that the little thing really needs more repairs, it already has over 10 stitched areas. Tattered and loved and for the moment forgotten and needing care. I think there are many people out there feeling like that and I wish I knew how to help them. Before reaching the doll I thought to take a photo, a reminder of discarded repose. In leaving a bit of comfort behind my daughter is free to run out and play. As I type these words she is busy getting a beautiful rainbow dress muddy in the afternoon sun. The dress will wash I remind myself and even if it doesn’t, this afternoon will not come again. We can hope another one will, but we can’t know it. So I will not fret over a messy child, I will count my blessings.


  1. cami

    my kids are a true blessing!! sometimes we get so caught up in life and lilving we forget to show them they are till it is to late!! i am guilty of it!! for the last 2 weeks my mission has been to them they are special and mean everything to me even if that means i miss workout or skip on the dusting!!!

  2. Love that pic too. Thanks for this beautiful post – a great reminder to count our blessings. Yes, the mud will wash off but precious moments like this may not come again!

  3. Sarah L

    Yes, spend time with your little ones because they grow up too fast and you can leave them with lots of good memories.

  4. Maria Iemma

    Kids are a gift from God and we must cherish them every day and the time spent with them passes so quickly before and before you know it they are grown and making their own lives. Prayers are being said for the Boston families that have lost their family members and for all injured.

  5. lisa

    You are so right. We tend to argue and worry over things that aren’t really important. Then something comes along and makes us realize how lucky we are.

  6. Nicole Becker

    You said it exactly the way I would say it. I am so grateful for my family and friends at this time of my life. I am so lucky to be able to see all of my friends and family. God Bless the people of Boston and the victims of this senseless crime.

  7. Enjoy them while they are young. My baby is going to be 30 this year! UGH! Gosh I feel old when I say that.

  8. I made a blog post along similar lines. My daughter and grandchildren live minutes from West, Texas. I will be eternally grateful to God that He kept them safe. My granddaughter had just left dance class minutes before the explosion and its only 2 doors down from there. This has been a hard week for our country.

  9. jennifer

    love the photo and the mud will wash off you gotta keep moving

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