How to Slow the Side Effects of Aging Down


The aging process will happen to us all. However, there are steps you can take throughout your life to help delay this process and help prevent the onset of many age related diseases. By taking care of your nutrition and your body, you can look forward to enjoying an active and healthy lifestyle in your older age.


Make sure you include raw fruits and veges, nuts, whole grains and fish to maintain a healthy well balanced diet. Try to avoid processed and sugary products and consume less dairy products and red meats. A diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients will provide all the essential vitamins to help prevent illness and age related macular degeneration.


Antioxidant vitamins such as A, C and E help clean the body of free radicals. Vitamins B6 and B12 will increase the levels of serotonin and reduce cortisol, thereby easing anxiety and depression. Supplements can also be taken to assist in the production of collagen and elastin. Always consult your health care professional before taking any supplements, especially if you are taking prescribed medications.


Practice relaxation techniques. This will help prevent stress and anxiety. Also make sure you get enough sleep at night time. Whilst sleeping, our bodies go into repair mode, where the growth hormone is produced. Lack of adequate sleep can often be a stressor to many other health problems. Stress avoidance keeps the brain sharp and enhances cognitive ability. Massage is another good way to de-stress.


There are exercises for all parts of your body; exercises to boost your memory, keep your body toned and even eye exercises. Regular exercise increases the amount of oxygen delivered to different organs in the body. Exercising also helps prevent diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. There are many exercises, such as swimming, which are low impact exercises that put minimal pressure on joints. Exercising is great for feeling good as it releases endorphins and helps prevent anxiety and depression.

Avoid Alcohol, smoking and sugary drinks

Smoking fills your body and those around you with toxic chemicals. It will also age your skin and teeth quite dramatically. Fizzy drinks or high energy drinks contain high fructose syrups that damage body cells. A glass of red wine occasionally is okay but try to limit alcohol intake.

There are many anti-aging techniques that focus on the body and mind. Stimulating your mind is a great way to boost brain energy which will lead you to live a healthy life. Your brain can actually become quite sluggish over time, so look for new interests and new things to learn. To maintain a healthy brain and keep the neurological pathways open, it needs to be challenged. “Use it or lose it”, literally does mean that. Take a look at for information on eye health. You are in charge of the quality of your life and by following a nutritional eating plan and regular exercise and relaxation, the aging process can be smooth sailing.


  1. These are all some really good ideas. I really should pickup on some of them. Thanks for sharing about them and I will share too.

  2. cami

    i have recently started to take better care of self and i am trying to cut of soda it isn’t going so well!!! but i know i can do the rest!!! thank you for great tips

  3. Those are really great tips! I’ve just started on meditation and I find that it really helps me to de-stress and gives me a good night’s sleep.

  4. Carol L

    These are amazing suggestions and should be done while still young because from personal experience I can tell you we pay for neglecting our health when it counts the most. Thanks for a great post.
    Carol L

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