Update about the purple haired homeschooler and the move!


This week our hopepixie daughter being the brilliant and amazing person she asked me to dye her hair for her. The top is purple and the middle and ends beautiful blues. I personally loved her hair before but I still love it now and in the end supporting her is what is most important. I did find myself a bit sad at the less than supportive comments she got from some family members but in the end, that is on them.


I happen to know another purple haired homeschooler who is beautiful and amazing and maybe you have seen her blog too?  Life is short and if a bit of color makes our children happy, we are happy to help!

Speaking of life being short, our time here in Maryland seems to be shortly coming to an end. Wonder husband got a list from the military finally last week about the places we could move next. We put the places and jobs in order from 1 – 23 and we hope we get our top pick. This would take us down south and while I don’t love the heat it would put us closer to our surro family. They have been dealing with tragic illness and it would be great to be closer and hopefully helpful to them if at all possible. Another reason for that pick was that it might be just the kind of job my husband would love to do after he retires from the military. It might keep him close to home after some great schooling I think he would enjoy and the cost of living there is affordable unlike this area of Maryland is.

Right now we live in a less than loved home on a military post with green water… we can’t move off post because of costs. It would be over $2400 to get a 3 bedroom home in the are and really we need at least a 4 bedroom with the 4 kids. I really would like to live off post for many reasons and I hope that can happen with the next move.

Germany was on that list so who knows at this point! We will find out for sure where we are moving and when come the end of September. It really does feel like the “hurry up and wait” dance the military is known for! After 15 years you think I would be used to it!

With each move comes new homeschooling laws and new adventures and places to explore. It is exciting and scary and the logistics get to be mind scrambling at times. I think it is harder the older I get though one would think that experience would make it easier. In the end, all we can do is grow where the military plants us as life is short and we have to make the most of it. Will update on our move hopefully soon!

As for our purple haired homeschooler, she starts WiloStar3d Academy on the 5th. She is very excited. She has taken her laptop over to friends to show them her new virtual school and they seem to think it is cool as well. She has been logged in the school a lot since orientation last week getting to know other students. There is an 11th grader named Christopher that seems specially helpful with all her questions and has made her feel more confident in this education choice. Virtually speeding around on a jet-ski with other students might be helping her too!  I hope the first day goes well for her! She wants to start her own blog and tell everyone about how it goes!  Will update if she does!

1 Comment

  1. Beth

    Her hair looks amazing! Lots of good thoughts and prayers coming your way regarding your move 🙂

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