Tips For Staycations!

I have blogged about staycations in the past but with their growing popularity I wanted to do so again. Maybe also because I am having a bit of one now myself!
Here in America a Staycation is staying home and either hobbiting it up in the house with the cell phones off and e-mail on an away message or going out for day trips locally. This is the kind I am used to taking! So if your planning a staycation like this TIP #1 be unreachable! Just like if you are 3 thousand likes away from home you do not need to be talking to work or thinking about work and you don’t need to hear about Aunt Agness and her 20 cats and their hair ball issues. Shut OFF the cell phones and put your e-mail on an away message. Check in with your social networks if you like but try and stay on your own page and not go looking into what everyone else is up to, this staycation is about you and those who love with you! 
TIP #2 Pamper yourself! If your like me this might mean a new set of luxury sheets, perfect bubble bath, and a stack of new books to read. I would also add some dark chocolate and tea. For my husband it means a new video game, no to do lists, and maybe even a rare beer. He is not a beer guy but something about beer to him says “I have no responsibilities to worry about for the next while!” 
My Staycation TIP #3 is one I am learning this very moment, it can be a great idea to let the kids spend time away with Grand Parents. This will give you and your love time relax together. Ok, so I am not loving my children being away, in fact I am a big tearful baby about it, but really time away is a good thing and it takes a village to raise a child and so forth. 
If your children are staycationing with you than I would recommend TIP #4 have the house gnome visit! For years now my children have been delighted when the house Gnome visits. He tends to take old toys and items not needed any longer while the kids are sleeping and he leaves new ones! Course you do not want to me cleaning on your staycation so maybe you could just sum this up with a few new toys spread out over the week to keep the kids excited about staying home! No Gnome required, we just like the fairy tale with our young children. 
TIP #5 If your not going to play Hobbit and stay home, plan to explore locally places you have never been. We lived right near Savannah GA and never went on a ghost walk! We live an hour from DC and still not have been down there to see the sites! I hear about this all the time, people traveling very far to see and do interesting things though they have not even explored the interesting things in their own neighborhoods! 

Staycations in the UK! 

British vacationers know staycations a bit differently. Staycations in this part of the world are not about staying home at all but rather vacationing locally. TIP #1 If your really looking for a break, don’t stay with family! For most people staying with family is still work. (Not for me but that is another story!) So go some place new where you will not have to worry about inconveniencing someone or if space will be tight or if you will dislike what they are making for dinner! TIP #2 Find a place with great reviews! Americans love to talk about the places we go, Brits are no different! Check out the reviews before booking a place. TIP #3 Just because it is local does not mean it can not be luxury! 

I was looking at these luxury cottages and wishing so badly that I was even within 500 miles of them. I would love a staycation like this. I want to live in this spa pool! 

Maybe your close to Beacon Hill Farm, Longhorsley, Morpeth, Northumberland?

No matter what kind of staycation your planning this summer, I hope it is one that recharges you, inspires you, and is everything you want it to be! 


  1. Hi Kimberly – I’m Richard. I found your blog through Triberr (a Wordless Wednesday post) and just have to say: very creative post! Your suggestions are proof that a vacation doesn’t have to mean a big expensive trip; you can get recharged right in your own abode. Cool stuff.

  2. Edna

    I agree, and you really do not have to spend too much to have nice luxury sheets. As long as you follow care instructions they last forever. Besides, good cotton luxury sheets are worth the investment. My favorite are Thomas Lee ( ), which are a nice percale cotton sheet.

    At the end of a long day, there is nothing like a set of good crisp sheets. They are my one splurge!

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