The Secret Reason Mommy Games

This post is sponsored by Jigsaw Puzzle but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

It has been a long and beautiful day but Mommy is tired. Every inch of me seems to hurt. I would joke that even my hair hurts. Nothing is seems comfortable. While the little ones are in bed, finally, Mommy can’t seem to sleep. The to do list is waiting for me. Beyond the to do this, is the “should” list. I should take a shower, should work on the to be read pile on my night stand, should take the puppy out for an extra walk just because it should be a habit for me. I should get some sleep…. but all of me hurts.

The anxiety washed over me, the wave I held back most of the day successfully. I should be on cloud 9 that I managed to not cancel one single thing I needed to do out of the house that day due to my chronic illness, anxiety, or the D word…  I looked near normal today! I looked like I had it together! I don’t.

Time to pull out my secret weapon….  a puzzling thing to most who don’t understand my life.

I take a bath instead of shower. The hot water fills up and is so welcoming. I barely have the energy to pull myself up all the flights of stairs truth to be told but I need this time to soak. I put epsom salt in it of course, like 3 cupfulls even. It has been one of those days. Some women drink wine…. none of this though happens to be my secret weapon.

In the Tub I am calm and peaceful. You would think this would be good enough. Like too many though, you know what comes next.

The to do list….

The what if list…..

The anxiety….

The worry….

But I have a secret weapon.

I game. 

Gaming has been shown in studies to increase brain matter in certain areas of the brain. We know it keeps our minds sharper too! Gaming can help us learn more effectively! But these are not the reasons I am in a tub with my cell phone, thankful for it’s waterproof case.

I game because gaming can help relieve pain! It has been used in therapeutic ways in the ER, in surgery even, to help combat PTSD, and yes, Chronic pain. It distracts the mind and releases endorphins! I am a gamer mom. I don’t just game in the tub, and I play a few kinds of games, but in the tub tonight like other nights, I game with an app on my cell phone.

I game because it helps me relax and reduces my anxiety. In the tub, in the quiet, few things can disturb me. Those few things are of course under 4 feet tall and needing another snack OR or inevitably more so, my anxiety. The little worried voice that will not stop being worried about the to do list, the should list, and all the things that go bump in the night. I need a vacation from that little voice. Gaming helps me shut that voice up so my body can fully relax while my mind keeps busy. I can’t express to you how important this is in my life, to quiet that worry.

Tonight’s game, one that is fantastic for moments like this, or moments in lines or waiting rooms, or long road trip, or moments when I am just too overwhelmed and need find my calm is a game we all know, one I would guess we have all enjoyed or seen others enjoying most of our lives. This game is peaceful, beautiful, and calm. This is a puzzle game, only it isn’t taking up my kitchen table or coffee table. This puzzle game is on my cell phone. This game is called Jigsaw Puzzle Relaxing Puzzles & Brain Games by Critical Hit Software, LLC.

It has 20,000 beautiful puzzles, most are for purchase. I like that I can buy packs, ones just about barns or baby animals! Not sure why but barns really relax me though anyone who has worked on a farm knows it is work. It doesn’t make sense why I love them so much for my puzzle time but I do! I can pick an easy puzzle or a long one. It depends on how long I can keep the bath water fresh and warm honestly. My husband is rather amused at how often I will let drain and refill the tub given the chance. I like to finish puzzles in the bath. In lines and such I don’t feel like I need to finish them to feel gratification though. Also in lines, I can put a kitty puzzle on for my toddler and watch her play. It doesn’t help me in the same way, but helps so very much! Of course puzzles are fantastic for kids too!

While Puzzles are not the only gaming I do, one of the reasons I love it is because when out and about, in lines, in waiting rooms, or even just at home, I can put it down at a moments notice. That can’t be done in many other games. As a Mom it is great to be able to get a bit of game time in, no pressure, and go take care of things. Jigsaw Puzzle here when I need it with beautiful art and photography. I haven’t bought all the puzzle packs and really you don’t need to as their are daily free puzzles.

So I relax in a tub, with bubbles and I have my little secret. I am a mommy gamer. It helps me hurt less. It eases my anxiety. It makes me smile. I sink into the relaxing water and my mind settles into a beautiful intricate puzzle that add some instant gratification to my day. Vibrant photos, easy to move pieces that snap into place. I highly recommend trying this! I tend to play on my cell phone, but also have it on husbands Android cell and the Kindle Fires we have. On my cell phone I can play a game with 400 pieces but on a tablet I think you can go all the way up to 1000 pieces!

Moving the pieces around the screen, zooming in and out, it feels like playing at my kitchen table but no stress, no lost pieces, no mess. Just vibrant beautiful happy puzzles to me to play with.

I finished a few puzzles. I like to keep the pieces lower and do a handful most times. So many pretty pictures to enjoy.

Then into bed, with a low light, and a book. In this way, winding down, I know I will sleep well. I know different people have different ways to destress and deal with pain but this one is mine. Maybe it will help you too?

Wishing you a life wish as little pain as possible and as many beautiful things to look at and delight you!

As for me, after a good nights sleep, the next day starts. How to get everything done is a puzzle, but like Jigsaw Puzzle, I know the pieces can fit, and I just need to take a breath, look at my beautiful life, and make it all come together.


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