Thanksgiving Thoughts: Do you tell your loved ones your Thankful for them?

Taking a minute to thank loved ones!

Unless your perfect, and who is, chances are you are a gift and some kind of stress on others. This is specially true if you dare have a voice and passion for the world, events, and ideas. I woke up this morning to my feed being such a mix of joy, pain, worry, over others personal life events, and happenings in the news, and local tragedy along with the long standing feeling from some who feel that Thanksgiving is a day of sorrow for the Native Americans.

My own posts where a mix of many things like this:


 Because it seems to me as if we have forgotten how this all really started and that there was a dark past.


Because it seems we are making it a crime to be poor….. and the powerless are the ones our country blame for all our issues. It just isn’t logical and it lacks compassion.


 Because while many of us are thanking an invisible higher power too many of us are trying to make those who made the food on our tables invisible too.








10368260_628593047249885_7695732860160370942_n As I am a military wife of course this topic is never far from my mind. I am so thankful my husband is home this year with us and not in a war zone.







And then there are of course the posts about great food, family photos, and even a photo of our chickens enjoying some of the left overs:




I saw many people thankful for any things and so much of it was vague and who can blame them, these feelings can be so big and while buildings burn and people are mourning loved ones, we look around and know we have to much and feel lucky. I am thankful for my home, the food, safety, and the fun things we enjoy but truly what I am thankful most for is the people. None of us are perfect as I said, and that can make us difficult sometimes to get along with. Not everyone agrees on everything, nor should they. However I specially have to love those who love me despite our difference, and those who love me for who I am. Perhaps you don’t tell them enough, or think they just some how know it? I don’t want to assume that. So I went about trying to tell many of them today, a reminder of my care of them. I quickly learned, I know a lot of people I am thankful for! So I didn’t get to everyone, but I will be more mindful and keep trying to make sure they know.

If your reading this, that is special to me. Thank you!











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