Thankful Challenge – Day 6

Today I am Thankful Smiles and Public Playgrounds!

2014-11-06 17.18.16-1

It is November that means #NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and for my children they know this means that we try to get them out to different playgrounds throughout the month to play and explore and give Mommy some time to write her Novel for the month. It is though in some ways more difficult to write while they play because I want to be playing with them! Oh the struggle of the Mommy Writer!

2014-11-06 17.42.21  This is the main playground on Fort Gordon. The kids love it. It has shade in the bright summer days and has a great deal of things to play on and go up and over and under and around. The kids love to play tag with other kids but specially with Mommy and Daddy. I admit, my husband is far better at this game than I am! I tend to try to hid under the bridges quietly in hopes I can reach through the bars and tag someone running across. Sometimes it works! More often than not though I end up with a bunch of children, my own and others, knowing right where I am and taunting me as there is no chance of me tagging anyone with them there to warn everyone of the troll under the bridge. So much for the plan! 2014-11-06 17.42.51  What I specially like about this park is that it feels specially safe. It has a fence all the way around it with gates that people keep closed. This in theory is supposed to keep dogs out and quick little toddlers in. It helps when one has 4 kids they are trying to watch while also trying to type. It also helps that my amazing husband is normally running around with all 4 kids trying to give me time to write! Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for! 2014-11-06 17.45.25

So as I try to race the sun to setting while typing fiercely to make my word count for the day before it is too dark I have little people waiting on me to play with them. I can’t remember what it was like to be board, to not be this loved, or to not have so much to do. I treasure it all. Every minute. I try not to let my health get in the way. I try not to complain. I try not to let them see how much it all hurts and how scared I am that I just will not have enough time to do it all. Life is short, try to live your dreams but don’t let those dream steal you from those who love you so dearly. I know it is hard, I really do.


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