Tech for Toddlers?

Collaborative Post


As parents we face many worries from the moment those delightful bundles of joy enter our lives. After all parenthood doesn’t come with an instruction manual so deciding what’s best for each individual child is a tough task. Technology for instance is all around us, and is a vital part of education both in and out of school, but when is it the best time to introduce technology into their lives? The likes of tablets, ipads and desktop computers are all important educational tools in their own right, but it’s important to keep the balance between social interactions and the potentially isolating devices that dominate modern life and education.

So here are my top tips for helping your little ones become accustomed with tech, while at the same time preserving those age old childhood games we all remember so fondly.


Time it

Keeping an eye on the amount of time your kids spend online or on computer games is a great way of keeping tabs on their usage. While it’s important they get familiar with how to use them it is vital not to let this overtake other forms of learning and socialising.


Sitting with your child not only means you know what they are looking at, if also gives you the chance to direct them to resources that make learning a fun experience. Many internet service providers now offer parental locks if you cannot be there everytime they access the web.

Mix it up

It is estimated that 80% of a child’s brain growth takes place between the ages of 0-3. With that in mind socialising over technology should be the number one priority for children of that age group. Lego is a great toy that encourages problem solving, co-operation and imagination, combine that with enjoying the simple sunny afternoons in the park for their physical development and it’s a sure fire recipe for a happy, healthy balanced toddler!

Used under creative comms licence: Credit Janet McKnight


  1. deborah d

    Too true. I’ve seen 18-month-olds that know how to ‘swipe’ to see the next photo! Technology is here to stay so we need to monitor it and control the amount of time on it.

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