How to support your kids as they make the step into higher education


After a lifetime of guiding your kids through school, watching over their shoulder as they do their homework and having regular meetings with their teachers, the transition from school to university can be as tough for parents and it is for children.

Finding the balance between being supportive and being smothering can be difficult, especially when all you want is for your offspring to realise their potential and to succeed.

So if you’re currently struggling to perfect the equilibrium, here are a few tips for supporting your kids as they take their first steps into the adult world.


Let them know they are always welcome at home

As much as university is about growing up, most young adults aren’t ready to cut the apron strings altogether and it can be a real comfort to know that they can come home whenever they like, even if it’s just for a weekend.

If you have the space, let your child keep their room at home for at least the first year of university. This should help them feel like they’ve got a base and provide the security that they need to explore the world.


Suggest helpful study aids

 Finding your feet at university isn’t just about making friends; it’s also about finding out how you learn. This can take time and many students can get lost in the process, so try to support your kids by suggesting helpful study aids for them to try.

If they’re struggling with written work, suggest that they have a look at some dissertation examples to get an idea of what’s expected of them.

If they find that specific parts of essay or dissertation writing are difficult to master, like the research, finishing touches or general themes, you could suggest that they try a company like Ivory Research who specialise in a range of dissertation and research services.


Respect their decisions

Though your kids may still need your advice and your hospitality, they are becoming grown ups in their own right and one of the biggest adjustments that you’ll need to make is respecting their decisions, whether you agree with them or not.

By taking a step back, you can show your kids that you trust them, giving them a big boost in confidence and providing all the support that they need.




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