Review — Exercise Rhymes

This is what your looking for. 
That is, if you are anything like me. I am a very busy military wife and homeschooling mother of 4. On top of this I am also a writer and reviewer. Any single one of those things is enough to call a mother busy so I know you are busy too. So first let me thank you for reading here.
Secondly, I wanted to mention that we all have our issues. One of mine is Fibromyalgia. It honestly keeps me from doing many things and admittedly keeps me from even trying some things. While I am very hands on with my parenting, I am not fast any more and the idea of Exercise makes me near want to sob as I know it will simply hurt all that much more. This is my issue, we all have them, I am sure you. Don’t let them stop you though.
This brings me now to this review. I was blessed to find these cards on another blog site and I knew they would help my children. I pictured me reading them and showing the kids how to do the moments and then being able to sit on a park bench to keep reading the Rhymes to them.
That how ever is not what happens. Not only do my children love these cards, but I do too. I will not say I never sit one out, but they are so easy to adjust to ability and have options on the back of the cards. I get a work out and the kids do to, and none of us look at it as Exercise!
 (Excuse my daughters favorite blue shirt, sometimes she refuses to admit she is growing, I wish I could too! LOL)
 Big Sister Helping Baby Sister Fly like and Eagle Too
It takes as long as you have, so it fits a parents busy life.
It is not hard or complicated.
You don’t need a TV.
You do it together, as a family.
2 people or 10, it is still fun, still a work out.
This is what I was looking for and I didn’t even know it.
As homeschoolers we have to meet P.E. requirements. Normally we put them into gym classes as a homeschool group or into gymnastics classes and such. We don’t have to though. Sets of these would more than fit the requirement when added to park days and play dates for bigger group sports fun.
So if your a homeschooler, from pre-k and up, check these out!
Ages 2-7 and up!

  8 double-sided Exercise Rhymes™ cards on a go-everywhere ring.

Some parents think children need feet firming on the ground.
I am not one of them!  🙂
Jump and reach high little ones, not even the sky is the limits.


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