Review: Click ‘N Dig F6 – The gift for those who loose things!

Click ‘n Dig Model F6 Key Finder. 6 Receivers. Wireless RF Remote Item, Wallet Locator.


Do you lose things too? You put something in a safe place and the next thing you know you can’t find it. I should be famous by now for this. Thankfully the military makes us move often and as we choose to move ourselves, I tend to eventually find those special things in those forgotten special places. That doesn’t however help me with the day to day items that get misplaced or that the children help relocate for us. With 4 kids, a few being very young still, this happens often, specially with things like the keys and remote controls.

When I first learned about this great technology that can help me find lost objects I was thrilled. The Click’n Dig color coded receiver beeps to find items up to 60 feet away and hidden under the pillows or across the walls. Radio frequency penetrates walls, cushions, leather etc. As our home is very large we just walk around with the receiver waiting to hear a response from our lost item. Our teenager has loved testing this with us. She has tried tricking it with walls and different materials and so far it has worked great! Our time testing this product has only been a few weeks and it has already helped us recover car keys and remote controls. I need to place one of the thin ones in my husbands wallet next I think.

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The F6 Item Finder includes one color coded transmitter, three brightly colored key ring receivers, and three brightly colored thin receivers. Double-sided adhesive tape is included for attaching the thin receivers to remotes and other items. This works a lot better than I thought it would and has not come off at all! Batteries come installed in the transmitter and receivers and an extra battery set is included in each package. I think the extra batteries are very thoughtful. It is recommended they be changed out every 6 months. I think the timing for this could be better though…. why just 6 months? This product comes with a 12 month warranty. 

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We attached the red key chain receiver to our van key chain.

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This is the thin green receiver attached using the double side adhesive to one of our remote controls.

One of the things I would change is how the transmitter is not able to remind me what the receivers are attached to what objects so if I lose one TV remote I have to remember what color was on it compared to what is attached to my purse, cable remote, tablet ect.

Over all I think this is a fantastic gift for anyone who loses things. I think that manages to be most of us!

You can learn more about this product on their site here:


You can find this item and more in this years Holiday Gift Guide!


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