Pain Management for Pets: 9 Remedies to Help Your Dog With Arthritis

Owning a dog is a happy experience but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. For one thing, it’s important that you provide them with adequate exercise.

Aside from that, you want to take them to the vet regularly for examinations. After all, they can get sick too.

Take arthritis, for example, it’s one of the most common conditions seen in canines. Left untreated, it can easily affect their quality of life.

Want to know how to help a dog with arthritis? If so, you’re on the right page. We’ll be going over a few remedies below.

Keep reading to learn more!

What Is Arthritis? 

Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become inflamed. While it can affect any dog, it’s often seen in seniors and larger breeds.

degenerative disease, it occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down. As a result, the surfaces will begin to rub against each other.

Ultimately, it’s this increased friction that leads to pain and discomfort.

Signs of Arthritis in Dogs 

Arthritis can be difficult to detect in the early stages. Some dogs are also excellent at masking signs of pain. As the condition progresses, however, it’s likely that you’ll notice a few signs.

For example, your dog might be reluctant to walk or climb up the stairs. In some cases, they may also yelp in pain when touched. Other signs include weight gain, changes in behavior, and lethargy.

If you suspect that your dog is experiencing arthritis, it’s important to bring them to the vet so that they can perform a physical examination.

9 Ways on How to Help a Dog with Arthritis

While there’s no cure for arthritis, there are ways that you can manage the symptoms. Here are a few well-known remedies.

1. Pain Medications 

There are medications that you can give your dog that’ll help with the pain. For example, NSAIDs are often prescribed for canine arthritis.

Aside from providing pain relief, they’ll also bring down any inflammation. As with all drugs, however, there are potential side effects. Given that, it’s important that you monitor your dog’s health during therapy.

2. Joint Supplements

There are various joint supplements for dogs that can slow down the progression of the disease. Take glucosamine and chondroitin, for example, they can both help with arthritis symptoms.

How do they work? By reducing inflammation and promoting healing. On top of that, they also promote water retention within joints, which helps to keep the cartilage healthy.

3. Massage Therapy 

Believe it or not but you can manage your dog’s arthritis by giving them a massage. Not only will it restore blood flow but it’ll also help to loosen their stiff joints.

For the best results, use slow and gentle movements. Pay attention to your dog’s body language—it’ll let you know whether or not he’s comfortable with how it feels.

4. Weight Loss

Obesity can cause arthritis. After all, the excess weight will put extra pressure on their joints.

Over time, this will increase their wear and tear, which will worsen the condition. By losing weight, your dog will be able to minimize further joint damage.

For example, you can modify their diet. Instead of feeding them carbohydrates, opt for more protein instead. Exercise also helps.

5. Modify Your Home 

You can make your dog feel more comfortable by making a few modifications at home. For example, you can put a ramp by your bed or couch.

That way, they won’t have to jump up, which can strain their joints. Similarly, you can get them an orthopedic dog bed—one that will relieve joint pain.

6. CBD 

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound that’s derived from the cannabis plant. As it is, it’s often used to treat various conditions, including canine arthritis.

More specifically, it can help with pain and inflammation. Available in various forms, you can get it as edible treats, sprays, chews, and topical creams.

If anything, you just want to make sure that you’re giving the proper dose. When in doubt, you can always consult with your vet. 

7. Physical Therapy 

Canine physical therapy is a thing. Basically, it involves using various techniques to increase the mobility and function of the joints and muscles.

For example, the physical therapist may use electrical stimulation, hydrotherapy, or therapeutic exercises. At the end of the day, the goal is to slow down or sway the development of arthritis.

8. Prevent Slipping 

Slipping on icy sidewalks or hardwood floors can put extra strain on your dog’s joints. Given that, you might want to invest in dog booties or carpet runners.

That’ll help your dog maintain his footing so that there will be less pressure on his joints. In addition to that, it also helps to keep their nails short.

9. Acupuncture 

Acupuncture isn’t just for humans—it can benefit your dog as well. That is, it can help their arthritis by reducing inflammation and improving blood flow. How? By stimulating their nerves and blood vessels.

Worried about the needles? Don’t be, their insertion is virtually painless. In fact, it’s not uncommon for some dogs to fall asleep during the procedure. 

Treating Canine Arthritis 

And there you have it—nine tips on how to help a dog with arthritis. If anything, the sooner you address the problem, the better!

For more dog health-related posts, check out the rest of our blog!


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