How to Keep Your Kids’ Toys from Overrunning Your Home

Everyone loves kids. Less loveable is the mess they can sometimes make. Toys especially can turn up all kinds of inappropriate places. From Hot Wheels on the staircase to Legos underfoot, when toys overrun your home the results can be overwhelming, and even dangerous.

Whether you’re a new parent living in the same Vancouver house you were raised in or you’re currently looking at Calgary homes for sale and want to make sure things don’t get out of hand when you move in, here are some tips to help you keep your little ones’ playthings from taking over.

Lay down the law

The most important step to cutting down on toy clutter is often the hardest: learning how to tell your children “no.” If you’re ever going to get a handle on things, though, it’s vital to set boundaries and enforce rules.

You don’t have to be mean, but you do have to be serious and unwavering. Talk to your kids and let them know where and when playtime is allowed, where their toys should go, and what will happen if they don’t listen.

Cycle seasonal toys

Some toys take up lots of space for no good reason, because some toys aren’t even usable at all times of year.

For example, during the winter, outside toys like sports equipment, Frisbees, rollerblades, swimming pool accessories, and the like should be kept in an out-of-the-way storage area, such as the garage, attic, or basement. Chances are, your kids won’t even notice they’re gone until next year rolls around.

Create storage

For toys that can’t be locked away during certain times of the year, the best way to keep things organized is to create storage space specifically for such items. Every toy needs a “home,” a place where it belongs.

This could be something as simple and all-inclusive as a big toy chest, but it’s usually preferable to have several cubbies with separate bins for different toy types. That way, your little ones won’t end up making a whole new mess just trying to get to that one toy hidden beneath all the other ones.

Make clean-up fun

Getting children to clean up after themselves is difficult. There are, however, two things you can do to make it a little easier. First, make it part of a daily routine, so that your kids understand that this is expected of them until it eventually becomes second nature.

Second, make it fun. Turn it into a game or a challenge. “Who can find the most toy cars?” “Hey, this stuffed animal is lonely; why don’t we gather up all his friends and bring them here?” Frame it less as a chore and more as a natural part of playtime.

Donate older toys

Sometimes, no matter how much organization you do, there’s still just too much clutter. This is as true for children’s toys as it is for any other clutter in your house. And the best way to reduce clutter is the same for both: get rid of things.

No kid ever wants to give up their toys, no matter how old and unused they are. Try sitting down and talking to them about other children who don’t have as many toys and who might find joy in items that your little one no longer plays with. Not only will this help clean your house, it can also instill in them a lifelong sense of empathy and charity.


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