Online Games For Girls

With three girls that are avid gamers, we are always being exposed to the latest and greatest MMO RPG’s in the industry. You may not know this, but a large number of gamers are girls and many actually spend more on gaming than their male counterparts. If you have a girl that is interested in gaming, they may want to check out the following games.




At its core, the game of Aion pits angelic like beings against demonic beings in a post-cataclysmic world known as Atreia. You can play as either the angelic Elyos or the demonic Asmodian race. Both races have a sizable backstory and offer advantages over the other.


Characters are fully customizable and you will want to take your time in character creation. Also, the characters in this game not only fly but also can battle while in flight, so you will need to become keenly aware of the capabilities of your avatar and your enemy.


Aion at times can be a stunning game with great scenery and imaginative characters. However, it can become a bit of a grind once you get around level 40 or 50. For those that love fantasy games or games with a lot of backstory, this is worth checking out.


Star Stable


Star Stable is not your atypical MMO RPG. You start off by creating your character and designing your horse and then you proceed through the virtual world of Jorvik in search of adventure.


The concept of the game is somewhat simple. You are “loaned” a horse and you must go through various challenges in order to pay off the debt. The challenges are not overly difficult, so kids won’t get stuck and give up on the game.


Unlike many MMO RPG’s where combat and competition are the main objective, this game focuses more on fun and adventure. It is basically a girl and her horse set out to tackle the world.




This one my family played a great deal before! If you are familiar with World of Warcraft, then you probably understand the general concept of gameplay behind Flyff. This game is your typical MMO RPG grind where you battle monster and work towards upgrading your character. There are two major differences that make this game worth checking out.


First, many of the avatars are females and most kick serious butt. Next, the main mode of transportation in this game is flying. Flyff is short for Fly for Fun and once your reach around level 20 in the game, flying is the only way to travel.


As you work through the game, you improve your class level and gain access to new weaponry and items.  It is definitely a game worth checking out if you are into the WoW scene.




An entirely new take on the MMO RPG realm, Tera prides itself in offer “true action combat” in its game. Most MMO RPG’s offer simple point and click combat capability and while that works for some, it gets boring fast.


With Tera, you get to use your keyboard, game controller and mouse in order to battle the monsters of Tera. You get to play seven different character races and eight classes through over 80 zones in an visually stunning world full of history and lore.


The story behind this game is one of unite or die. The seven races of Tera had historically never gotten along but when Argons invaded their world, the seven races either had to unite to battle a common enemy or perish.


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