One heck of a scare! Kids and Strangers!

I was up all night in pain and my teen (almost 15) agreed to watch all her siblings for me so I could sleep as long as possible this morning once I was able to fall asleep. No biggie. Only at 11am the kids all woke me up rather concerned. A guy in a beat up old truck showed up at the door saying the kids needed to let him in, he was a “trusted” house insurance inspector. The kids told him their parents were sleeping and he should come back later, so he said he would. Only we called the land lord who sounded concerned himself as he doesn’t know of any inspection that should be going on….. He has litigation going on over the house so his worry is different than my own. This is the first day the kids are out of school for the summer and many kids are home alone today. Our yard clearly shows we have kids…. plus the kids felt the guy was creepy, and no business card? I am so glad I am at home at least. The guy shouldn’t have told the kids he was trusted…..

First, Moms can’t take breaks or sleep in! I should know better!

(I hate having Fibro and the painful insomnia that eats my nights too often)


Do your children know what to do in a situation like this?

I love that the kids, all 6 of them got the door together and told the man that both their parents where sleeping. I think it was smarter than just saying Mom because two parents, specially a Dad, might sound like more of a risk to go up against to a predator.

I had posted the above on my facebook page and many many people told me to call the police right away. I certainly thought it was a good idea but just had this feeling I should wait till I had more information first. Sometimes calling the police being more hell than help I have notices.

Was the guy really a predator?

The landlord got back to us and let us know that his insurance company did send the guy over and didn’t tell him, so he couldn’t give us a heads up. We set up a time for the man to come back. I planned on giving him a piece of my mind over how he talked to the kids, not leaving a business card or number to call, and for using the word “trusted” when talking to minors.

Turns out he was telling them the name of the insurance company, sure enough the word trusted is in it. The kids focused on that word and I think collectively heard things a bit differently than he said them and of course the story grew with the kids fear. He doesn’t have a crappy truck at all even.

Still, we all learned a lot! I am so happy it was all a mistake.

Do you have rules for kids opening the door when your busy or not home? 

Would you have called the police right away? 


  1. Uplifting Families

    Im glad it turned out for the better and wasn’t a stranger per say. At least your children did the right thing and didn’t let them in the house. 😉

    I had no clue that you had fibro too. I suffer from chronic back pain and have symptoms of fibro too.

    • Kimberly Storms

      I am very proud of how the kids reacted to the situation though I am sad that they got so concerned. As for Fibro, it is really so limiting and nothing seems to work so far! I am sorry to hear about your chronic back pain. Pain like that is no easy thing and having an invisible illness is hard in so many ways.

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