Nov 13 — Sugar Glider Love

Being the odd family we are, we have some odd pets. These are our sugar glider fluff balls. 
They have had two Joeys (babies) that are up for adoption. 
We have had many offers but few are educated in having these animals as pets. 
They can live 15 years, they should never live alone, they should always have another glider in the cage with them. The cages have to be large, 3′ x 3′ is the smallest acceptable for them. No, you can’t feed them just pellets like a Rabbit or hamster (Not that those animals should be living on that either!) Our gliders are fed HPW, a diet that is approved by the best breeders and owners. They have safe pellets to munch on if they wish during the day but their staple foods are fresh and well balanced. You can’t just feed them what ever is the fridge for produce. The veggie and fruits they get each night need to be balanced of  2:1 Calcium/Phosphorous and it is important. Gliders are up all night, they can be smelly even with weekly cage scrubbing. Joeys spay a scent that smells like a skunk even. There are ways to help with this of course but it is something to consider. Traveling with these guys is not easy, they need a large cage and it is hard to drag a large cage around the country for vacations and most people do not know how to care for them so finding a pet sitter is hard. There is so much to think about with these animals. For us they are worth it. 
They might not be for you. Thats ok! We couldn’t train a dog to save our lives! Not every pet is suited to every family. So I find myself turning a lot of potential owners down either from their lack of knowledge, or for believing poor advice they found from glider mill vets on YouTube who are trying to sell their crappy pellets. Being so selective really limits the pool but we have a few families that might work out. The first one we picked has not gotten back to us in days so I think it might be time to move on to the next ones in line that are educated and ready. Wish us luck!  

    No, they do not normally get honey comb like this, it was a treat. (My little sister left it for us!) They loved it!


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