NaBloPoMo – Creative Space


Create in Small Spaces

I think being creative is something every human being is born wanting to do. While we are not all amazing at it, that doesn’t meant that being less than great should stop us, it is in our nature. No matter how big or small your space, there are always ways you can find to be creative and sometimes the smaller the better.

Be eco-Friendly and Recycle

One of the best ways to be creative these days in my opinion is by starting with something recycled. This jar was the home of a candle I loved and when the candle was gone I was left wondering what do with the glass.  I added some soil, some glowing stones on the bottom, moss, a rock my 5 year old loves, and made a little wire sparkle tree that my husband says reminds him of fall and he would like one for every season. The Moss when I placed it in the glass was bright green a month ago, it turned brown though and I think it was because of over watering. I let it dry out and I can see green in it again, I watered it a few days ago when I made the tree for it.

Take a step back from your Creation

At first I was not sure I loved my pathetic little tree, I loved parts of it, but I just was not sure it was very good. I had worked on it in the middle of the night with just my fingers that got scratched and bitten by the sharp ends of wire as I twisted and bent and tried to make sure the tiny yellow and purple beads would stay on. It would have been better with needle pliers I told myself. No one else who has seen it though thinks that at all. They do not see anything lacking from it, they do not see that it could have been better had I used the right tool. They see an adorable little wire sparkle tree in a glass jar. It was great to step back and let myself see it as others do. Step back from your work and take in what others think of it.

Is it you?

In the end, your space needs to reflect who you are, what is in you. If you created something, it certainly is a part of you but if it is not something that makes you look at it feel something you want to feel, then chances are your art needs to find a new home or be changed some how and that is ok. It is often hard to give up or change something one works so hard on, but in the end it tends to be worth it.

I hope your spaces mirror who you are and that you are joyed with them. If not, get creative and change them!


  1. Elizabeth T

    This is way to neat I wish I had the talent to create one for myself. 🙂 PLH

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