NaBloPoMo – Day 10

The key to Marriage is caring as much about your own happiness as you do your partners. I find when I am not taking care of myself it does me little good to try and help my husband in his goals as he is wrapped up trying to help me in mine and we spin our wheels around one another.

When things are just not working, and neither seems happy, it is time to sit and talk about what both of you want, what your goals are, and see what next needs to happen together.

Sometimes nothing can be done per say, so my husband and I joke that only one of us can be having a hard day or moment at a time. Sometimes it is his turn, and others times it my turn. Sometimes we forget this.

Today my wonderful husband went out and got me a keyboard for the kids iPad to help me get through not having a working computer while we work out just what I am getting next. It will be about a week I think as I think I am going to order online. I really do not want to get more behind on my NaNoWriMo novel though so this keyboard is supposed to help. I have to be honest, I am not loving it. It could be me though nothing to do with the keyboard. Anyway, I sit down to write and it hits me I can’t until I pull some needed info off my notes that happen to be on my dead laptop, but also on Drop Box. I thought. Turns out, drop box didn’t work the way I thought I did. Meaning Drop box was missing 15k words of mine and as my husband was explaining why, I was near crying, short tempered, and then suddenly he was annoyed and short with me and the mood in the house plummeted. I needed him to let me have my melt down over it while he worked to make it better, not worked to make me understand my error. I could learn later, right then I needed my words that I had worked so hard for. Thankfully I some how expressed this and he managed to save the day while giving me my space to freak.

He saved me again just a moment ago. I was near tears again trying to get the iPad to help me correct a few typos in this post, but the ipad was showing me a curse and not letting me move to the words needed and was very aggravating. He offered me his laptop, the unreliable one to at least finish up this post. He had the better attitude, the helpful happy one so I could have my low one. Some times I am the one having the good moment so he can have the bad. I don’t think we can get away with no bad moods, that doesn’t sound like living in reality. I really treasure it though when my husband and I can turns helping one another. At this point, I owe him! LOL If the baby is up tonight I will be happy to take care of her so he can sleep.

I only managed 800 words on that iPad with the keyboard. That is really not a good number for me, specially with how long it took to write them. I hope tomorrow is better and I get used to the ipad and keyboard. I am really worried about my NaNo month now, really really worried and goodness my head hurts from how annoying it has all been just trying to be able to write. Wish me luck? I am really lucky in love, not so lucky when it comes to the tech these days! Geek Goddess Fail!


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