Just another Covid-19 Mom Journal

To whomever reads this, I hope I do not entertain you. I hope that over the course of this pandemic that my family gets lucky, and nothing interesting happens. There will be many tragic and amazing Covid19 Journals out there, let this not be one of them. I hope whoever reads this is lucky. I plan to update this journal in a hopes to record this for our children someday for them to look back on. It will be what it will be. Keep Safe!

A historian suggested his students and others should keep a Covid19 journal to record this significant time in history. Our lives aren’t so very special so at first thought this wasn’t something I needed to do. My children though the last few years have told me I don’t take enough photos anymore…. they want to remember things. So maybe I am wrong. It couldn’t hurt. So here I am trying to record covid 19 life for a military homeschooling family.

Before March 13 — Life for us was changing in a memorable and happy way, we put in a bid on our first house! This military family has waited 22 years to put down roots, this was huge! The kids were excited about their forever home. Our offer on the home was accepted and inspections were underway. We felt so lucky, with all the hardship and loss the last few years, it felt too good to be true. Watching from the comfort of home a week before America started taking Coronavirus seriously I got the sense that something was coming, admittedly I watch a lot of news online. Seeing Italy, a country with the 2nd best rated healthcare in the world going down… I knew it would come here. Perhaps it is being a military family, or an avid reader of dystopian fiction, or having a writing brain…. I knew we needed to get ready. I stocked up on more food for our family of 6 by shopping online. Box after box of food came and the kids and husband thought I was a bit crazy at first. By March 13th though, none of them thought that anymore. While we are a single income military family, like 60% of America mostly living paycheck to paycheck, we were privileged enough to be able to stock up before things got bad. But was it enough?

March 3rd — Husband and I have had a cough for over a month. No fever, no other symptoms. The kids had it the first week and all got over it one by one. We had been traveling to see family in Mississippi the start of Febrary when it started and when we travel we get colds. Not really worried. However first 3 cases positive in Maryland. None on the military post we live on. I ordered more food on Amazon just in case. Kids life seemed normal at this point.

March 4th: Libby has a belly issue, she didn’t go play today because of it. Other kids are great and sticking with our crunchy parenting, kids getting 3 hours of outside time sounded like a good idea.

March 5th: The world is still spinning for us, the news is capturing my attention more and more, hard to get away from it. Libby seems better! Now Zoey is sick, her tummy and head were not feeling great. I feel better! The coughing for husband and I let up! Work is normal for him. Home buying inspections got a little interesting with a home that looks new on the inside but the bones are old…. could be issues.

March 6th: Zoey is better! I ordered TP from Amazon and it came! Shopping out of the house feels like a luxury, seeing news from Italy, I know we will be shutting down. My family thinks I am a bit crazy but husband lovingly put up with me and my anxiety. My son in law didn’t really take me seriously when I asked him to be ready. -sigh- He is a smart guy but goodness…. Don’t the young always think they know everything?

March 7th: Being the geeks we are, we gather in a group for D&D, dear SIL is a fantastic DM! The kids so love playing this game that we go went out to a game shop and got them all their own dice sets. The place was so busy with game tournaments going on in the back. We remind the kids to not touch things they are not buying.

March 8th: People are starting to get it. Now it seems everyone is washing hands. I can’t get hand sanitizer and my favorite liquid hand soap is not to be found. Mom is a bit picky about that… We have a bit at home still thankfully. Libby seems to understand what is going on, and is worried, she is washing her hands so so much and so hard they are dry and she needs hand lotion. This hurts my mommy heart. It reminds me how privileged we are. Over and over I am reminded how privileged we are.

March 9th: Another box of food. Where to put it? The kids, whom we homeschool, are going through snacks like crazy and are thrilled. We are not rationing. It still isn’t an emergency.

March 10th: Husbands turn to get worried. I can’t tell you where he works or what does, heck… he can’t tell me really what he does. Whatever spooked him though he insists on getting my medications ordered. We are unsure if it was because China makes many medications for the USA and they are struggling or if others are trying to get meds too, either way the local places are out of my meds and they have to be ordered. This feels… bad.

March 11th: Where is all the Toilet Paper? It seems everyone is finally catching on that this might get bad. Two friends are really upset that they feel unprepared and life has been truly hard and unfair to them, I order them food on Amazon and send another friend a gift card to do the same. If we can help, we must help. I wasn’t local to them to help any other way. It all feels very real now. I am spending too much time online.

March 12th: I am getting annoyed that the military post we live on isn’t really doing much it seems. People are saying they are sick with all the common symptoms but post seems to just be telling them to self-isolate if they are not been to a hot zone or come in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They are not actually testing on post through… It feels… wrong. I am aggravated about testing around the country in general, our numbers feel, logically, artificially low. My cough is back…. no fever.

DAY 1: March 13th 2020: Deep breath…. Maryland schools are closing! I message a neighbor who we know has two working parents and offer our home for their kids if they need it. I try not to panic as the base commander leaves gyms, churches, sports, and all daycares open. He lets us know no cases on post and they will send off tests to another post if anyone has the symptoms and has come from a hot zone or come in close contact with someone who has tested positive. WE know now that this is being passed person to person here, not just coming from people from out of the country.

We order Chinese for dinner, apparently, people are panicking and staying clear of Asians… I figure, enjoy it while we can. It doesn’t sound like it would be a strong vector to me. We talk about soon stopping take out though…. maybe it isn’t wise for long.

Day 2: March 14th: The kids are all excited about D&D. We make sure everyone washes their hands and we head out to our oldest daughters house who lives about 3 miles away. Our kids friends are there for the game as well again. Everyone is careful to only touch their own dice. My cough is rare, but still there. Everyone else is great. I think my cough is from vaping the last few days…. stress…. vaping is NOT common for me but buying a house is stressful. All the things are stressful. I am dealing in an unhealthy way but well…. could be worse I suppose. I have guilt. This is not a great example for the kids. I think it is causing the coughing. But anyway, not coughing much and I cough into my shirt the rare times it happens. I am not going out any place beyond our daughters. The game is great and fun and lots of laughs. I wonder how long the kids will be happy…. bad things must be coming I think. Our daughter and son in law didn’t stock up, they go out all over town and couldn’t find TP and some other things they needed. We give them some of ours. We kind of expected this. I think they are starting to see that they need to listen to me a bit better on this… maybe. Goodness I hope they are washing hands and keeping safe. I think this will be the last time our 4 households come together for a long while. The governor said groups under 50 are ok but are they really?

Day 3: March 15th: Time for people to stay home. Gyms are still open on post, actually, it is like only the schools are closed. It feels like no one is taking this seriously locally from their online posts but the stores are packed from the photos and complaining. We have what we need at home, I am thankful. Cleaning all the touchable surfaces every day. Covid19 can live on steel for 3 days!

Day 4, March 16th: Big Army is taking this seriously, this helps me feel a bit better, though now we can’t travel beyond a 50 mile radius of post. We understand. While post still has some things open that shouldn’t be, we feel lucky because husbands command has told him to work from home, mostly because of my health…. and because almost the whole rest of his team are under quarantine as they traveled together and one of them is sick, though no test has been done on him because: He didn’t come from a hot zone or come in close contact with someone who has tested positive. I wish I could do something for whomever made the choice that husband should stay home. It though hurts my heart to have such a clear reminder that my health puts me at special risk to… die. The thought in the back of my mind that I keep pushing away is that my surrogate daughters can’t lose their last living parent, they just can’t. I worry about them… all of them. The grief waves hit over and over while all this is happening, so many loved ones we miss, people I would normally be in close contact with and trust in the chaos that is going around. No time to sink under grief waves though. We have to make lists and be ready. My medications came in today. Feeling lucky about that. My heart is breaking over those without childcare too far for us to help, and so many working poor who have no choices left open to them. This is bad…. we have the 32nd ranked healthcare system in the world…. this is going to get bad. Battle the curve is on my mind all the time now.

Day 5, March 17th: Still coughing a bit, no other symptoms for me. Husband coughing a few times a day too, he has a runny nose. That isn’t really a symptom of Covid19 so this makes us feel a bit better. We are not going out. My mind is spinning and sleep is hard to come by. Nothing seems to hold my attention, I can’t focus. This doesn’t feel like reality, it feels like a bad novel. I will not even go into the mess this administration on a national level has made. Why don’t we have more tests available? Why did we not accept the offered tests from other nations? Finally, post is closing Gyms on post and church stuff too. Feeling like this military post is catching up to battle the curve. The kids are their amazing selves, a bit stressed I can tell. They seem to have a hard time focusing too. We homeschool and so schools being closed doesn’t change things for us beyond friends at the door wanting to play….. that isn’t a good idea.

Day 7, March 19th: It is hard telling the kids that they can’t go play with friends. We did a class on why it isn’t a good idea. No more groups, no more seeing people who are not in our household. I think the older kids understand the science and math as to why but it is still hard. It is going to be so hard not seeing our oldest daughter and her husband, even with them living so close, her husband has to go to work and he works at a place that is a vector point for sure. Our two households share a washer and drier though till the new house closes next month and it has new ones, so we will see one another just a tiny bit. I keep reminding myself it could be so much worse. It might get so much worse. Kids sad over not seeing their friends might well be the least of their worries…. we can do this. Trying to be thankful and not sink into useless worry. Thankful I was worried enough that we have food now and enough TP if we are careful to get us through 2 weeks. Anyone paying attention knows this will go on longer than 2 weeks. Amazon has no more food to ship out from Prime Pantry and has no idea when they will…. so much for ordering more food.

Day 8, March 20th: The kids are protesting not being able to play with friends by not going outside to play at all…. I know it is hard that their friends can play but they can’t. Most kids though don’t have so many siblings that can still play together. I understand they have big feelings and I am not going to push them, their feelings are valid and it hard for kids I think to fully grasp this all. Fresh air and sunlight are so important though still….

~~~ If you are not scared you don’t know enough nurses right now. ~~~ It is heart breaking to hear nurse friends have left their families to live on their own and work as much as needed to help people. They do not want to bring this illness back to their loved ones. This is going to be bad here. Wishing I could make any of this easier on them.

Day 9: March 21st: How have these sweet littles eaten so many of the quarantine snacks already? Keeping these 4 kids well fed will be a challenge. I am seeing photos of our local commissary with empty shelves. We are out of milk. Our youngest loves going shopping but husband is going to have to sneak out to find milk without her noticing as we are staying home as much as possible. Milk is a luxury at this point. Moms on post are getting creative and setting up trades using hot items they have like paper towels for things they don’t, like eggs. Husband texted me back at the first store, their dairy section is decimated, he is light-hearted asking me if I want him to get the tiny strawberry milk boxes for the kids…. that is all that is left there. He decides to try two more stores and finds a gallon of milk. That will normally last us just a day, we will have to stretch it. This is a small thing, no big deal. Husband going out into the world though for milk…. this is a risk. The kids had a good day, all of them really got excited to fill a few moving boxes with their toys. They have been keeping rather busy with their laptops like good little geeklings.

Day 14 March 26: I would love to tell you all that homeschooling is going well! Unschooling counts right? The kids are really doing their own things and I am not eager to get in their way. Our son is really on top of the news and science behind this pandemic. He is also really getting into politics and it is rather impressive how much he is understanding the events he is connecting together on his own. He has been so strong and understanding about all this and helps make sure we are taking the right steps to keep battling germs in the house.

Day 15 March 27: Home Buying Update! The government is now limiting certain kinds of home loans now…. including VA loans…. only people with great credit are getting them. What was good credit and perfect for this and our 2.9% 3 weeks ago (and locked) is not good enough now it seems. This could stop us from closing on the house. I am freaking out a bit. -sigh- We close in nearly 3 weeks, which is too long with things getting harder and harder every day. I asked our agent if we might be able to close sooner. Now we wait to see if the sellers are good with that!

Day 18 March 30: The struggle is real…. trying to find funny things to feel any better and this hits it today! https://youtu.be/M5azNpTwVk8 — So today we made a tiny step with closing on our home, the sellers got the VA inspection work done! We are in hopes the VA can do the follow up inspection with the photos! Soon as they approve we can hopefully get a closer closing date because the sellers are good to close sooner now too!

Maryland went on lockdown stay at home order tonight at 8pm. One of our dear friends who lives a bit away, alone with her cat and works an important government job asked us to come get a key for her house, incase something happens to her and her cat needs help… that is were we are now…. she is brilliant and of course scared like all of us and her being her, such a good heart, worried about her cat! Husband managed to get the key and get home right before lock down happened.

If we can close on this house still… can we still get a moving truck and move while on a stay at home order? I think with mobile check in and out, that is contactless with uhaul this would morally be ok right? We would be moving ourselves. I guess time will tell!

Day 19 March 31: Covid-19 has done some interesting things to society! Much like 1918, people are seeing how important food security is! We have always planned on getting chickens but not for a while after we buy a home. Chicks now though are so hard to come by…. we got lucky and now have 8 of them in a brooder. Goodness we hope we are actually able to close on the house else we will need to rehome them. Though that wouldn’t be hard considering how many people now want chickens. Finding eggs in stores has not been easy! We are planning for the future.

Day 20 April 1: My kids have informed me I don’t take enough pictures anymore, so I am trying to do better. I am not sure if they think we should record covidlife more or just in general. Either way, they are not wrong! 2 of the kids want to take up photography themselves actually! I think it is a good plan.

Day 21 April 2nd: I ordered seed starter trays and seeds online. I don’t go shopping so online ordering is super helpful. We are going to need a big garden for our big family. I am sure nothing we grow or raise will completely feed our family but anything will be of help when the goal is some kind of food stability in the hard times to come. Most things on Amazon don’t seem to be coming for 2 weeks….

Day 24 April 5th: Our youngest isn’t dealing too well with all of this. She seems to understand the basics of the virus and the danger but goodness she is missing playgrounds. She is crying over the smallest of things. We are giving her as much attention and hugs as can while trying to keep her busy.

Day 25 April 6th: One of husbands co-workers has lost 3 people to covid so far. It is heart breaking and scary.

Day 26 April 7th: We should be packing more but buying a home right now seems so unreal still. Government loans are getting must stricter, or rather the lenders are. I am concerned this might not work out and we will have to unpack. One of the things I love most about our family is that when one of us is down, the others reach out to life us up. I might not have faith in all this but husband and the kids do! I have guilt too, when the world is falling down for so many, here we are, privileged, buying a home and lucky. I sent another box of food to a friend and bought cloth masks for another family. Helping others in little ways as best we can.

Day 27 April 8th: A friends husband and 2 children have Covid-19 now, another military family. This is such a helpless feeling not being able to make this better for them.

Day 29 April 10th: It is hard to focus on things I have noticed. Being in a holding pattern is difficult. You would think the “hurry up and wait” military lifestyle would have prepped us for this. The kids are struggling with focusing on their lessons to but thankfully they are finding great ways to keep busy and foster natural learning. Some of them have been busy creating their own roblox game!

Day 32 April 13: WE GOT THE HOUSE! It is all final now, we are home owners! — The process for signing the final papers was interesting! We drove up to the title company building, we had been instructed to wear face masks and gloves, the title lady came out with the same PPE and a packet of papers she handed to us, we had our own pens, and then she went back in the building and we spent the better part of an hour reading what felt like 100 pages and so many signatures. Honestly, we could have sold our souls for all I know, we read it all but some things confused me a bit. We were just so happy to be done! We got the keys and moving in starts today!

Day 33 April 14: Our blue dragon guarding our new home!

Day 41 April 22: Chicks and Bunnies got some time in the sun today. It is still cold at night here and we have many rainy days. Finding time for all living things to get fresh air and sun light is important. I feel so badly for the people living in cities who do not even have a porch.

Day 42 April 23: Our “movers” slept over again last night. Crystal and James continue to be the help we badly need with moving household goods and helping to unpack here. With a new house comes new furniture as some of the kids no longer have to share rooms, plus the bigger space. I keep ordering things online as furniture stores are still closed. The older kids had a great idea to play nerf guns and we split out big family into teams, I got to be the referee of course. It is a good break from all the work! It was a beautiful day out and we managed to get the chicks outside for some sun and the bunnies too! It was a day that filled our cups with laughter, love, and hope.

Day 43 April 24: I have found myself a bit annoyed with so many loved ones who keep assuming if I get Covid-19 I will for certain die. I have a handful of health issues, including auto-immune. This came across my facebook and it reminded me, my loved ones aren’t wrong….

‼️A quick lesson about autoimmune diseases and covid19 . It is a disease where instead of your white blood cells protecting your body from invaders, they turn around and attack your cells, tissues, and organs. Chronic fatigue is another symptom. It is not a cold or the flu, you will never get better, and even a nap will not help. Just eating a salad and hitting the gym won’t slim your face or get the pounds off. Sleeping 10 hours doesn’t leave you well-rested, ever.

The last-minute changes in plans because that “just got ran over” feeling never makes appointments, it just walks in whenever you aren’t ready. Painful joints, muscles and bones, dry skin, breaking hair, hair loss, mood swings, and depression are just the tip of the iceberg. You are also prone to having multiple autoimmune diseases, they typically come in pairs of two. You easily catch viral and bacterial infections. You have days where no matter how hard you try, you just can’t smile for anyone.

I urge you to think twice before passing judgment and thinking our nation is overreacting to the extra measures being taken to curb the spread of this virus. YOU might be able to recover from it no problem however, carry it to someone with an autoimmune disease and that individual won’t be as lucky.‼️

I am watching the ones who will take the time to read this entire post and react. Please, in honor of someone who is fighting Behcet’s Disease, Severe Asthma, Addison’s disease, Endometriosis, M.E, Rheumatoid Arthritis, POTS, MCAD, Sjogren’s, Scleroderma, Hashimoto Disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, Hepatitis, Raynauld’s Syndrome, Diabetes, Mold Illness, Celiac, CROHN’S, Ulcerative Colitis, Pemphigus, SPS, MS, PBC, Psoriatic Arthritis, CIDP, MMN, GPA, CRPS, LUPUS, and every other autoimmune disease.

 I need to more careful than most. All I did was sit in our back yard in the sun for a bit and already my body is attacking itself and I feel exhausted and terrible and my skin feels like I rubbed it with glass. -sigh-

Elizabeth Warren‘s brother has died from coronavirus 🙁

Day 44 April 25th; “What day is it love?” was the first thing I muttered this morning to husband. It is Saturday he said, and went back to sleep. I am not a morning person but for some odd reason I get up early in the new house. Can’t say I love it, everyone else in the house sleeps in. My mom and I video chatted this morning, I showed her around the house. Son got up at 10 am and said “Did you have to give Grandma the tour so early?” LOL Why yes, yes I did. I needed time chatting with my mom and dad more than most could know. I was hit hard this morning missing my other Dad who passed a few years ago and 2 other very important men in my life who were like brothers to me. I keep wondering what they would say about this covid thing and what they would think about the house and plans and projects that need to be done. I wonder what they would be doing to pass the time. Goodness I miss them. I am lucky to still have 2 parents. Now if only I could wrap them in bubble wrap and keep them home. I worry so much about them! In friend groups a constant theme seems to be “How do I keep my parents from leaving the house!” LOL Thankfully parentals were being safe on their trip today, they went and got veggie boxes delivered right to their car! I love that some businesses are being so wise! — As for us, another day of clearing the old house for husband and the rest of us trying to unpack!

Day 49: April 30 — My brave little sister and her amazing wife set out on quest of dire importance, rescuing our brother from a hot spot state! If you know these two, nothing can stop them when they set their minds to something! Our brother, His time having been served now, gets another chance at life in the big world that is suddenly a lot smaller. Sister has reported a lot of thankfully, but still eerily empty roads. Same holds true for grocery stores there, too many empty shelves she reports. She brought PPE for the trip, to keep safe, and to give out up there for those she knows who need it still. Kind of shocked that so many still do not have masks and only now are certain areas requiring people use them. Sister says not many are seen with masks where is at. Goodness we are worried for all of them and wishing them a safe trip.

Day 50: May 1st — My sweet sister did something kind for my brother and I, she went back to our childhood home (not hers) and collecting some things that are ours. She was though not able to get something that was important to me, no fault of hers. It triggered grief waves…

My memeres had a painting her brother made of a lake. We used to talk so much about what we saw in the clouds and in the water. She saw a bird, I saw a bear, she saw flowers in the lake and I saw a sunken car! LOL It was unlike a lot of art I have seen, it was so textured in some places. I wish I had a photo to share here, or with my children even. Memere told me it was mine someday. She was the main person who raised me and I was her person, her grand daughter who for some reason she thought could do no wrong. When she died my father insisted I take it home but it didn’t fit in our van with all the kids and luggage so he held on to it for me. Then he died. And like other things, Step Mother has taken that too… I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am. -sigh- She wouldn’t even show it to my sister saying she sent it away to be reframed. -sigh- It isn’t worth anything to anyone but me. She had no interest in it when my Dad was alive. She tells everyone I hate her for what she has done. I don’t. I pity her…. the dead are watching what she has done, as are his 7 grand children. It isn’t o about “stuff” it is about betrayal. I spent 30 years making excuses for how she treated me, that is done. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Goodness I miss my grand parents and Dad. -sigh- Thankful to still have family to love and make memories with. Grandma has art she made over 40 years ago for us to get when this is over, super excited about that!

Day 52: May 3rd – Feeling lucky that so far, we don’t know anyone who has died of this. We do know others though who have lost loved ones. It is heart breaking.

Day 53: May 4th – May the 4th be with everyone and keep them safe. #geekymommy

Day 54: May 5th –

Two Questions.

  1. What do you miss MOST about Pre-COVID life?
  2. What are you glad that’s gone?
  1. Dates out of the house with husband, book stores. Seeing family! My kids playing with friends outside!
  2. I am glad the notion that kids MUST socialize out of the house every day is gone. A lot of homeschool stigma is gone. I am glad that so many with homeschool doubts are gone as they see they can do it. I am glad that many people’s insistence that some jobs can’t be done at home is gone. I am glad that doctors are seeing that so many appointments can be done from home. (super important for those like me who deal with anxiety and agoraphobia and pain days that make it impossible to leave the house.)

Day 55: May 6th – A military friends husband after having covid and being sick for the better part of 2 months was finally cleared to leave the house! My heart needed good news!

Day 58: May 9th – Covid19 cases in GA are growing rapidly since the state opened many things back up. We are worried about our surrogate babies and their family down there. My sister was sweet enough to send them masks that her and Grandma made just to be sure they have enough and a reminder to be as safe as they can.

Day 59: May 10th – Mother’s Day! Sweet husband who is our family shopper, the one allowed to leave the house for needed shopping helped our littles get me some beautiful new plants. Plants have such great health improving properties and I adore them. Our oldest and her husband came over, I admit this… while they are still helping us unpack and settle in, this visit, a small risk, is still a risk. They brought a plant too! They helped in starting to build the chick run, and we played a very lively fun game of Pictionary. Our 12 and 10 year old daughters really seemed to be reading one another’s minds in this game and they were hard to beat! Family game time is really helping with staying mentally well.

On another note: Covidiots everywhere….. made the mistake of ordering take out from a place in Annapolis that was a ghosts town just a few days ago. The governor opened up boating and golfing and state parks and playgrounds and this is a boating town! It was packed with traffic and people all over the place 90% of them with no masks…. just walking all over doing god knows what. We grabbed parking thankfully, husband was in and out. (I never go in, I just went for a rare ride.) There was so many people I didn’t feel ok even having the window down, no social distancing at all…. -sigh- Seeing videos of ocean city… this is going to get worse fast.

Day 60: May 11th – Husband is still working from home, he seems frustrated with the limits of what he is able to do though for work at home. Part of me wishes he could go to work…. I adore having him home but I feel like neither of us are being as productive as we could be otherwise for some odd reason. We are getting along wonderfully and I am striving to not distract him and I am doing fairly good with this goal but…. him just being home distracts me! Homeschooling…. what lessons did I have planned again for today? When will some of these little night owls even be awake today? First world problems I know.

Day 61: May 12th – I am feeling rather overwhelmed with gratitude right now. We have been so lucky so far in this. None of are us are sick, we have enough food, a beautiful home… found out today that getting our chicken license is done in the mail now and no inspection and found out our move out fees for the old house are very reasonable (rugs needed to be replaced and we spent a few more days cleaning that cost us just a bit. Normally moving out of military housing costs us thousands!) There is a lot we miss out in the world but we really are doing ok. (and I have guilt for doing ok when so many are not, but my guilt doesn’t help them.) We have been able to help others and send food and comfort where possible. I don’t know how we have gotten so lucky. Gerald reminds me we have worked hard but still…. bad things happening to good people. I have never been comfortable having more than others. We have been through a lot of hard times but that seems natural to me… this… being lucky and being ok just doesn’t. I hope you are all ok too!

Day 62: May 13th –

Day 63: May 14th –

Day 64: May 15th –

Day 65: May 16th –

Day 66: May 17th –

Day 67: May 18th –

Day 68: May 19th –

Day 69: May 20th –

Day 70: May 21th –

Day 71: May 22nd –

Day 72: May 23rd –

Day 73: May 24th –

Day 74: May 25th – Memorial Day – We spent a lot of the day working on the chicken coop again, no grill and the day was getting away from us so dinner was fast food actually. We did manage though to have a late night fire and it was lovely. The kids experimented with tossing different things like sugar and flower into the flames. Libby had made fire starters a few days ago and they worked wonderfully. She really enjoys building and tending the fire. Our son was horrified that his siblings where burning his baking ingredients. He brought them back into the house, he may have hidden them. LOL Husband and I laughed a lot at the antics of our children and cuddled on a hammock enjoying the end of a good weekend. I think we are both very focused on being thankful for our little bubble in time here and that the kids are doing well. Part of our hearts are though in other places in the country worried about family…. Covid19 isn’t over, not by a long shot.

Day 75: May 26th – Covid19 Haircuts deserve a blog all their own. Thousands of people not wanting to risk their lives and those of their loved ones have take it upon themselves to cut their own hair or that of someone who lives with them! The military closed their barbershops on post, and up until a week ago Maryland had closed theirs as well, but soldiers still needed to have regulation haircuts! I finally agreed to cut my husbands hair and it didn’t come out badly! Our oldest daughter did her husbands hair as well and it could have been worse. What really made me giggle though was she had him cut her long hair shorter, just because…. I think this is just adorable and so sweet. Goodness I love these two love birds!

I present the covid19 haircuts:

Day 81: June 1 – Our 26″ foot pool came in the mail and we set it up! It took over 24 hours to fill. Everyone helped with the pool and were delighted to do so. It was so funny to have us all in the pool when it was just 3 feet deep at the time enjoying the refreshing water. I don’t think we thought much about covid19 today. I feel like I was some how baptized with water and kid giggles and my spirit refreshed.

Day 82: June 2 – Dear husband took me on a drive today! Our son also came along for the drive so he could play pokemon go. Our middle daughter watched her younger siblings at home for us. She is getting so big and responsible and brave! They are all growing too fast of course! Husband needed to go to a pool supply store to get more chemicals to balance the pool. The water looks fantastic but we know that will not last. It is weird out on the world here, in our county that is reopening in Phase 1 part 2 the pool store is doing things well, no one in the store but employees, they meet the line outside, that is distancing and mostly wearing masks (of course husband wears his mask!). The line wasn’t costco long but it was longer than I would have guessed. The employee takes the order and gathers the things and takes payment. We needed 8 bags of 40lbs salt! The store didn’t have everything we need but it will work out. No borax to be found locally it seems. I have done enough research to know what things I can substitute to get the PH and pool alkalinity to be correct. Covid life gives me a lot of time to learn new things at least! I must have looked so silly sitting in the van smiling at strangers behind the glass just so happy to be out seeing the world. I didn’t get out of the van of course.

Day 83: June 3 – Having posted pool photos online I quickly was made aware that getting a pool right now is near impossible. I know I felt like I had ordered too late 3 weeks ago when our first hot day had the kids begging me to order already. I hadn’t been able to get the pool I had researched for weeks the month before, actually I could hardly find any big pools there at all. Most were the inflatable ring kind. I had wanted something that would last a few years. I felt lucky then to get the one I did, even if it wasn’t perfect for our area or needs. It turns out it is fantastic! However so many people can get a pool now, public pools are closed as are ones at gyms as gyms are closed. I spent a lot of time today trying to help friends find pools online and calling stores for them. I found myself just so shocked at the lack of availability. It hit me again how lucky and privileged I have been, how most of us have been, to be able to go into stores and have available so many things. I took so much for granted. Now it doesn’t really matter how much “pool” one can afford if they can’t find any pools at all. I was thankful to find a pool for a friend that was local to her, not perfect but something. Her 4 kids will be thankful. I did though fail in helping find anything at all for 2 other friends.

Day 84: June 4 –

Day 85: June 5 –

Day 86: June 6 – I did a thing….. I played Catan with a few of the kids and my son in law, and my son in law and I made it a drinking game for us (as he is 21!) Mistakes were made! LOL Husband and I rarely drink but our son in law wanted a drinking buddy and as he can’t hang out with friends, it was me! He brought apple moonshine. Oh. My. Word. The rule we made was every time a 7 was rolled, we drink. Too…. many…. 7’s. At some point I added a rule, if the Robber was placed on your property you didn’t have to drink, so then I was begging everyone to place it on me. I was placing it on myself even! In the end, he won and drank 5 more shots than I did. He didn’t seem much phased but I was loopy. I did a lot of dancing in my chair and it was a fun evening. Oddly, drinking helped my body not hurt as much as it normally does.

Day 87: June 7 – I woke up with no real hang over, clearly over did it the day and night before though. My head didn’t hurt at least. Son in law played beat saber after our board game and over did it too. Over all though that young man can hold his liquor as they say. I am glad he a responsible young man, and he puts family first. I am glad he is part of our family now. I wish her and our daughter would move in with us. They sleep over near every weekend. They could save a lot of money if they stayed with us and I worry a lot less.

Day 88: June 8 – The world is burning. Well not literally, though some buildings certainly have burned. If I wasn’t online I wouldn’t know that around the world there are #blacklivesmatter protests going on. In our little bubble in our beautiful blue home, things are peaceful. Out in the world…. things are changing! If you didn’t know, we support Black Lives Matter. Not just with a donation but I am very vocal online. Goodness I spend too much time yelling into the void it seems about how important dismantling system racism is. I am annoying a lot of people with how much I post about it. I though know too many people who don’t see their racism. They are more upset about the damaging of property than of black people being murdered. I have a lot to learn too still. I had a knee jerk reaction to the idea of defunding the police… I mean who is going to show up to the schools when young white males go back to shooting them up? Turns out, defunding police doesn’t mean what I and so many others thought it did. It means putting less pressure and work on police and setting up other organizations to handle so many things that would make society better. I could go on and on but if you are reading this I am sure you can look it up.

Day 89: June 9 – I support protesters. 10 years ago I would have been marching out there with them. Now though… I don’t even go into a store to buy milk. Can you imagine how scared people must be in their every day life because of racists that marching during a pandemic seems less risky? They are brave, all of them. So many have masks on and are trying to distance while still being heard. A lot of white people are judging them (mostly the same white people who were protesting themselves just weeks before to try to force the government to open so they could get their nails done and drink in bars….) and I keep thinking… we have had 400 years to fix systemic racism, and we failed, do we really have the right to judge how black people react now to murders? Something needs to change. Husband and I have had some hard conversations with our older children who know what is going on out in the world. Goodness they have beautiful hearts and already understand so much. Our son understands he has white male privilege and isn’t defensive about it but wants to know how to help the world. I wish I had all the answers, I am still trying to figure that out. I ordered more books written by people of color to help us understand more.

Day 90: June 10 – More and more I read about the next waves of Covid 19 coming. While I am managing to find Toilet Paper now, and finally getting fresh chicken again, I worry about food shortages if this is like the 1918 flu with a horrific second wave. I think victory gardens might be important come fall. I hope I am wrong. I have no idea how to preserve food. I had stocked up on things like cereal a few months ago, much of that is stale already…. I need to do better! Life is weird right now.

Day 91: June 11 – The butterfly garden is being taken over by grass. It was a lot of work to turn the whole area of grass into a garden in the first place! We should have mulched it weeks ago but…. here we are, picking out the grass by hand! We managed to clear some of the grass and mulch part of it. More work to do. Maybe I can put veggies in this garden…. there is room.

Day 92: June 12 – A friend messaged me asking if I had a spare pool pump as she had seen me post that I had gotten and upgraded pump, sadly I had gotten the upgrade with the pool, so no spare. She had ordered a pool from the UK and it had come with no pump. I did mange to find out on ace hardware online for her size pool and she was delighted to order it, only a few hours later they canceled the order! -sigh- I went looking again and found something that should work if she runs it long enough on Amazon. She ordered it and I hope she gets it. Her family is another military family planning for long term stay-at home. They are stricter than us even. I don’t think this friend knows how much she helps me stay covid careful. At this point both our families are trying to make our homes and yards as comfy/entertaining for the kids as possible as we aren’t going any place this year. She had posted about a fire pit they made, so then we got one too. LOL The kids love helping to build the fire and goodness knows the yard has enough sticks and branches to make it work. Plus, the wood ash is good for chickens to dust bath in! Chickens are doing great!

Day 93: June 13 – Another raised garden went in today, 4 feet x 8 feet. Tomatoes and Cucumbers. Another $250 or so dollars for the wood and soil. While building it our son mentioned how happy the gardens make him. I feel the same way. I thought he might be turned off by weeding the other day or digging to take out the grass but the hard work doesn’t seem to bother him. I hope he can see the pride his Dad and I have in him and good heart and attitude. Husband worked hard today too in the yard, he carefully mowed around the clover that the bees are loving. We hope more the yard is taken over by the clover. I really need to get to planting the micro clover already.

Day 98: June 18 One of our daughters had a tooth bothering her badly and so husband had to take her into the Dentist. We know there are risks in such places for covid but it couldn’t be put off. She has baby teeth that need to come out and more visit planned.

Day 100: June 20 – Everyone in is agreement that with my health, Covid would likely kill me. Husband has made it clear that he believes for the next year we will be safer at home. No trips, and rather isolated. I miss family far away so much. Some days are harder and others when thinking about this. Extended family and friends share their photos and adventures and I am so happy for them, missing them so much, worried for them.

Day 101: June 21 – Happy Fathers Day! – Today we expanded our Covid Pod, our one friend who is single and lives alone has two families in her covid pod, us and another family. We had a pool party all together today here. This was a huge step for us, and rather scary, but needed as we find a new normal. We used paper products rather than dishes and we ordered pizza. We disinfected all touchable surfaces like door knobs and faucets before they got here and everything again after they left. It went really well! Our 4 year old hadn’t played with another child not a sibling in months. She was so excited! We hope to get the girls together at their house as they have a swing set and our little one so badly misses the playground. I am thinking next month. There are still 20 people dying a day here in Maryland of Covid, the curve is going down but still higher than a lot of places. This was an important step but we need to go slow.

Day 102: June 22 – Our new house has Termites! -sigh- We say them swarming in a light fixture last night. The company that did the inspection 2 months ago and noted none is coming back out on Wednesday to check them out. The property has one dead tree and one dying tree, and I think it is termites…. We hadn’t planned on getting those taken down will winter but… -sigh- This is going to get costly! I was told that costs for such services has gone up during covid!

Day 103: June 23 – I like Lowes Plants Better. I had forgotten this, and I hope remember in the future! Gardens are slowly coming along! We hadn’t gotten to mulching the butterfly garden yet and the grass is back! -sigh- Slowly we are weeding and mulching it now! It has taken over a month but we are seeing butterflies and bees and now birds as well!

Day 111: July 1 – Our oldest baby and her husband are moving in! We are thrilled about this! Not only will they save money but we are just all better together. We know the military will all too soon send them to another base chances are, far away so this time is especially dear to us all. My son in law is brave and capable and just so fun to be around and they are such a great couple. Son in law protecting the younger kids and took a wasp sting for them, and then took out the wasps rather than asking us to do it. He is a good provider and protector, but we knew this already! Having them here is a blessing, I hope they can find the balance in family time and alone time though!

Day 114: July 4 – We dared to have one friend over today! We swam in the pool, played a board game, husband grilled yummy food, we had a fire in our fire pit and smores, we made the flames different colors with Magical Flames (Very cool product you might love too!) We played with sparklers and then we got to enjoy so so many houses in the neighborhood set off fireworks. It was very loud, and very beautiful! People across the street seemed to have 20 cars in their driveway and on the road, huge party…. worried for them. Goodness I hope people keep safe!

Made the fire different colors

Day 115: July 5 — Sick of healthy people telling me this is no big deal and they are not worried and will not wear a mask because they are healthy…. they know me… they are basically telling me directly that I am an acceptable loss so they don’t have to put a mask on.

 If they don’t actually like me, that is fine. Heck, if they blame me for my health, that is fine too. But basically saying my 7 kids don’t deserve their Mommy…. that hurts so so much.

Day 116: July 6 – Happy Birthday Beloved Husband. Made him a special dinner and made sure he had lots of programming time as he working on a special project and he started a new class online. He is brilliant and I adore that he never stops learning and working and sets such a great example for our kids.

Day 120: July 10

I have to be careful to not sink into depression.

It is a bit like being a ghost…

I can watch the world spin, but not really be a part of it.

Day 134: July 24 — A very special birthday of our youngest sweet darling daughter! She had a wonderful time and we even braved a quick shopping trip for Balloons! Birthdays need beautiful balloons right? Perhaps not but as no friends or outside family could come to our little covid birthday party, we wanted to make it as special as we could. I think we succeeded. She said it was her most favorite birthday ever! We are still doing most of our shopping online and getting groceries delivered. At least this Covid birthday was a success!

Day 135: July 25

Day 136: July 26

Day 137: July 27

Day 138: July 28 — Homeschooling social time is a huge topic and always has been, so many are now talking about it though. Rather than hash all that out here, I choose to start an online homeschooler social group! We will read a book together in a video conference, the kids will play a game together, they will all open blind boxes together, and they will have a great time. Or at least that is my hope. The group already has 15 kids in it and I think that is more than enough! Other parents want me to start a group for teens but for now this group is for 5 – 10 year olds. We officially start soon and I hope it works!

Day 139: July 29 — A Date with husband consisted of us getting Lobster Rolls take out, ordering and paying online and husband just darting in with his mask on of course to grab the food and back to the van. The down town streets were full of people, many without masks, all within 6 feet of others every other moment. I made sure to put the van windows up as they walk so close. I wonder how many will die, or get so sick they damage their organs all for…. a drink at a bar? I feel a bit of guilt risking being out of the house for a date. Once the food was acquired we drove to a spot over looking the bay and all the boats coming and going. There was no side walk there, no one walking by, no one at all close. I enjoyed the window being down and the sounds of the water and birds. We munched together, enjoyed the relative quiet and the ability to see a bit of the world beyond our backyard. We did the normal date talk stuff, saying we wouldn’t talk about the kids, but we always do and this was no exception. We have a lot to be thankful for, and a lot to lose. We have to make careful risks. Covid cases in our state are high, nearly as high as ever. I still haven’t been to the doctor for needed tests since the start of this, just tela-visits for med updates and such. She still doesn’t want me to risk going in yet. On other dates, what feels like forever ago we would go to a movie or a book store, but not this time. This time we finish our food and drive to a state forest to nature watch. Too many people out though…. too covidy out… so we go home to our safe place content that at least home, all is good.

Day 140: July 30

Day 141: July 31 — A distant family member has covid, in and out of the hospital… her lung collapsed this time sending her back to the hospital. She is having to fight crazy people online who think this is a hoax or people trying to get her to try un-proven drugs for covid-19 or to take advice from nutty doctors who think you can get seduced by demons in your sleep and it causes miscarriages…. she is fighting for her life and her sanity among the people couldn’t logic their way out of a paper bag. I wish we could help her some how. Two online friends have covid now, another one I wasn’t very close to died of it last week I learned from mutual friends. So many people now have direct connections to the devastation of Covid. I wonder who will not be here come spring. I wonder if my children will still have a mother. I must be careful, I can’t leave them…. losing one of them is unthinkable. They are healthy and happy, I hope we are doing enough to keep them that way.

Day 142: August 1st — My Mom lost her job…. her work is only bringing back the youth is seems. Due to this family down south will not be coming up to visit for our oldest daughters birthday. We were torn about this event as is, it is a risk… but also…. who might not still be with us come Spring time? If everyone was careful perhaps we could manage it I thought. Now though, Mom needs a new job. This administration certainly isn’t doing the working class any favors right now and who knows what will happen with unemployment. Mom has always worked, it isn’t in her nature not to. I hope she finds something good soon, her spirit needs it as much as the bills need to be paid. In the end we will simply have a household birthday party for our oldest. Her and husband now live with us and it is fantastic. I know we will all have fun. The theme has long been planned…. blues clues! It was her favorite show when she was little and I think once the kids are to their rooms for the evening it might make a good drinking game! We rarely drink, some years not at all, others twice, this year…. a bit more than twice. LOL

Day 143: Aug 2 — Really feeling like the rest of the world is moving forward, as if the Covid deaths are some how acceptable losses in the name of capitalism. It is heavy on the heart to see. The new normal is scary not just because of the virus but because of the people who don’t take it seriously. Some days I lose a bit more hope for humanity… of course then the kids share something intelligent showing their understanding of the virus or society or kindness or a friend shares a personal triumph and I feel a bit better again. The balance though is hard.

Day 144: Aug 3 — Some how, prepping for this big storm is a nice distraction from Covid life. We all worked to get everything all ready, the yard picked up and all things put away, the gardens tended and pretty. I know it will look a mess after the storm but for today the family unity and purpose was a joy. Everyone kept thinking of new things that needed doing, like bringing in the bird feeders and saving plant seeds while we can. The bunnies got their cages cleaned out and extra fresh bedding, same with the chicken coop, and they all got treats. Everything just felt well cared for and we all seemed to have gratitude for the things we want to protect and take care of.

Day 145: Aug 4 — Tropical Storm Isaias hit us as expected, did some damage to the gardens. Some tree limbs came down. For the most part though we are counting our blessings at this point it wasn’t worse!

Day 146: Aug 5 — First Day Of Homeschool Kindergarten for our youngest! Her curriculum box came in and I saw no reason to delay. We are using Moving Beyond The Page for her this year as with 4 kids homeschooling I am especially thankful for “Everything coming in the box!” LOL Not to mention if I have to read Peter Rabbit books to another child after doing so with all the others…. well…. -sigh- I am delighted to be reading A is for Musk Ox instead! It is a silly ABC book and our little one loved it. Even the older kids listened in and it was all giggles! I am glad we have always homeschooled so this is not an added burden for us, it is something we love to do. I look forward to a new school year here, though will be missing out of the house classes for the kids and of course our normal field trips to busy places. There will be a lot of nature field trips though! Books can take us anywhere!

Day 147: Aug 6 — Over and over we keep hearing from “Officials” about suicide now from unemployment numbers being so high. This is used as an excuse to risk lives and open everything up and keep everything open despite the deaths from Covid. My question is this: If unemployment = higher suicides, why not improve our mental health system, and unemployment, rather than sacrificing lives to covid in the name of the gods of capitalism?

Day 148: Aug 7

Day 149: Aug 8

Day 150: Aug 9

Day 151: Aug 10

Day 152: Aug 11

Day 153: Aug 12

Day 154: Aug 13

Day 155: Aug 14

Day 156: Aug 15

Day 157: Aug 16

Day 158: Aug 17

Day 159: Aug 18

Day 160: Aug 19 — We were gifted with a last minute visit from Grandma and Grandpa from Mississippi. They had heard that we were struggling to get basics like lysol around here soon so they came with a care package and so many masks they had made us all. It was a short but wonderful visit our hearts needed as we have missed them and who knows when we will get to see them again. I never fail to learn from them, they helped us smoke bomb some big holes in our gardens. We still have no idea what was living under them but it seems to have moved away now! Everyone is healthy, all is well!

Day 161: Aug 20

Day 162: Aug 21

Day 163: Aug 22 — We had a small party for our oldest daughters birthday. We invited our little covid pod and our daughter and her husband invited over another young military family our son in law works with. It was a delight to meet new people and to see the young ones being social. I admit, this scared me a bit but we spent a lot of time outside and we sanitized well. Hopefully it was enough.

Day 164: Aug 23 — Our oldest baby is now 21! She is amazing and kind and strong and creative. Goodness I adore her. She is responsible and smart and I am so thankful we get time with her. She is a bright light in a too often dark world.

Day 165: Aug 24

Day 167: Aug 25

Day 168: Aug 26

Day 169: Aug 27 — It is Thursday and I am forgetting something. I know something significant happens on Thursdays but in covid life, or perhaps I am just old, I can’t remember what it it is. Sure it is trash night, and the military base commander does hit covid live updates today, but I am sure those things are not what I am forgetting. -sigh-

Day 170: Aug 28

Day 171: Aug 29

Day 172: Aug 30

Day 172: Aug 31

Day 173: Sept 1 — We went camping! The kids haven’t really been any place in 6 months so it was time to peek out into the world. We went to a state park to camp in tents. It was such an adventure, specially with the wild horses visiting our camp!

Day 174: Sept 2nd — It was such a blessing to get some beach time without being crowded by others. This was great covid 19 social distancing vacation time! I wish I could say the whole trip felt this safe.

Day 175: Sept 3 — We came home a day early from our camping trip. Why? I just couldn’t take another day of having to use the camping bathrooms that clearly say masks inside public buildings are required and yet I never saw another person not part of my family with masks on. In fact one mother and child passed within a foot of us and the child asked her mother why we had masks on, within just a few feet of the sign that states they are required, and the mother told her child masks come between her and god. I just couldn’t take the willfully ignorant putting my families lives at risk. While the beach was nice, camping just didn’t feel safe. If we are lucky all of us will have many more chances to go camping and it should be safer in years to come.

Day 176: Sept 4 — Oh how I adore husband! He brought this caterpillar inside to ask me what it is. Monarch! #happydance our butterfly garden that was grass just months ago is successful! I asked him to go put it on the milkweed, he said what milkweed. I went out to find our milkweed has zero leaves now! I called around fast the only plant places open and he dropped everything to go get milkweed plants! Operation save the caterpilar!

Day 177: Sept 5 — I braved going into a plant nursery with husband today! We got more milkweed for the monarch caterpillars of course and some fall plants as well. Our little forest creature daughter found 2 more caterpillars! We will need a lot of leaves. It was a comfort seeing people giving others lots of space, everyone with masks, and the energy just felt warm and good.

Day 178: Sept 6

Day 179: Sept 7

Day 180: Sept 8 – Time to start gathering supplies for the cold seasons when covid will get bad. Yup, I am going to stash some TP and other things because we do not want to be caught unready. I hope we don’t actually need any of it. Our gardens provided a bit for us this summer, but not nearly enough. Corn was not successful at all! We are working on fall crops though and I have hope we will become better gardeners and more self sufficient.

Day 181: Sept 9

Day 182: Sept 10

Day 183: Sept 11 — No, we never forget, but I have to wish that people who are so amendment to point the finger at terrorists would take responsibility to be careful while nearly 200k Americans have lost their lives the last 8 months due to covid. I wish they had the patriotism to simply wear a mask at this point.

Day 184: Sept 12 – $430 Electric bill from last month. Oh. My. We are still trying to figure out how best to be more efficient in a home with two HVAC systems and such. I think the biggest issue was running the pool pump so much. We will soon close up the pool though and that should help. The kids are coming up with ideas too and trying to do better, a few stream shows all night on their devices. Shhhh, I tend to have open windows and the AC on in my room. I don’t know why I love it so much, it some how helps my anxiety. Maybe just running an air purifier and more windows open will help! LOL

Day 185: Sept 13

Day 185: Sept 14

Day 186: Sept 15 — Husbands command has called in all their assets to full time work in the office again. This helps my heart in some ways, goodness knows the bad hackers haven’t been working at home with one hand tied behind their backs. The country needs husband and those like them to be battling full force at this point. Still…. I miss him and I worry. We have been so lucky to not get covid so far, so lucky husband has been working at home and we have been careful.

Day 188: Sept 17 – Feeling a bit sad about the summer garden fading. We are pulling out the plants that have come to the ends of their lives, tilled and amended the soil, and now planting fall plants. Things seem…. slower now.

Day 189: Sept 18 – My heart, the heart of millions, felt shattered today. A long time hero RBG died today after yet another battle with cancer. She did amazing things for the world, for women. 2020 just got worse. -my chest hurts-

Day 190: Sept 19 – This morning brought a panic attack that lasted hours. I am so scared for the future. I am so lucky to have loved ones to be tender with me and this grief, for those who have their own and whom we can emotionally hold eachother up. Feeling like outside my bubble I am being held together with tape. I need…. a distraction.

Day 191: Sept 20 – I have found myself fighting with about 10 rather random people a day on social media. How has it come to this? It is as if people can’t fact check things themselves and now simply resist evidence. Why do I keep battling disinformation like this? My health is…. I am not well. Something needs to change.

Day 192: Sept 21 – I am distracting myself with pretty nails! I kid you not! This book geek who doesn’t try to be pretty now is dazzled by nails. Anything for a distraction? Here is my VIP group if you like nails too or just need a distraction.

Day 193: Sept 22 – The only summer plants we still have that I have hope for are the tomatoes. We have so many green tomatoes! We might have to pull them off the vine and try to ripen them in the house. Corn and pumpkins did not work! More research needed!

Day 194: Sept 23 – One of our littles Libby was having a wonderful time playing tag in the dark outside when she tripped and tumbled bottom over head and now has scraps on her sweet face and legs. She hurt her arm and wrist. Given that it swelled up, we braved urgent care for an x-ray. Nothing broken but goodness she hurts and it is hard on the heart to see her limited from doing things she loves. She is strong and this might be part of the issue, she keeps trying to use and I worry she will not give it time to heal!

Day 195: Sept 24 — I know some supportive women, goodness they all like nails too, this new distraction is going well! I have made enough on commission to put in a 4th fall garden when it is paid out next week! I am really excited about this!

Day 200: Sept 29

Day 300 : December 10th

Feb 7th — A loved one died of Covid. Death was the price of a dinner party. The price was too high. Hearts are broken. Please stay home, stay safe, choose what you risk your life for and choose what you are willing to risk loved ones lives for.

Day 365: March 12th 2021

Our country has lost so much this past year and this isn’t yet over. Some days I lost hope for humanity, and other days I saw people helping one another and doing the right things and got that hope back.

I found my children, even our youngest who is but 5 years old has followed the science and now knows so much about viruses and health and staying safe. I can honestly say that I am proud of how my household has handled this past year and how careful we have been. I have military children, they understand sacrifice for the greater good I suppose.

No one in our home got the virus this year, the extended family was not so careful, and not so lucky and hearts are broken.

I am not sure when things will feel normal again, I am not even sure things should ever feel normal again. We need a new and better normal. One that puts lives before profits…. where healthcare isn’t a luxury, a normal that accepts we can be in small ways uncomfortable to save lives.

We have to do better.

July 19, 2021 — 2 of our children got their second covid shots today. We are doing good! I think our attachment parenting philosophy has kept us strong and at home and well with few exceptions. We did do a quick 2 day trip to get our nephew to spend the summer with us. We would normally be taking him and the kids out on adventures. This summer though, the fun is at home together and that is enough. When asked if he wanted to go home or stay longer, he chose to stay longer even though we don’t go anywhere, cousin time is special. Someday we will have all the cousins here and our littles will travel again too!


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