If I won I would

Do you Gamble?
It seems many people do, specially today! With the national Lotto, Mega Millions at a record high of over 600k many are waiting in long lines for hours to get a chance to buy into the dream of winning more money than most of us could spend in a lifetime. People I never thought gambled I find posting on social networks about the tickets they have gotten and the dreams they have.

Normally we do not gamble, we joined in this social fun though for a few dollars and some random number. Our children know that Mommy never wants to be rich. I dislike having more than those around. It hurts my heart and all that makes it better when thinking like that is helping however we can.

So the plan would be, figure out what we NEED to live our lives like this for the rest of our lives. Make sure our parents do not have to work anymore. Put money away for the children for college and homes, and then giveaway the rest of the money as quickly as possible so it does not hurt us. I would love to give money to a fund that gives cloth diapers and baby slings to those who need them, those that give money to those who can not afford home births, give money to Lactation Consultants so they can travel to help new mothers no matter where they live. I think we would help a few solders have enough money to get out of the military and follow their other passions. Family and friends call for money they will get it within reason as again, we will not be keeping it. It just too much and it could do so much good in the world.

My oldest daughter does not understand my thinking but my 6 and 4 year old seem to understand. Though my 12 year old did say she would beg us to give lots of money away to save the Tigers as she knows they need help so badly. She would want to keep the money though for the most part and collect objects. I would suffer under the weight of it all.

What would you do I wonder? Have you shared your thoughts with the hash tag  #IfIWonTheLottoIWould


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