I am NOT giving birth around your golf game!


Doctors never make selfish choices…. right?

Today much to my horror I got the chance to read the thoughts of a Mom who is proudly attacking other mothers who choose to fight for a vaginal birth after c-section. She basically said she will trust someone with more degrees than she has and never question their medical advice or motive. She basically said that doctors never do c-sections or rush births to make it to a golf game or for money. We know that isn’t true though right? Maybe she is a new mom and has yet to year the experiences of other Moms like me. Maybe she needs to tell herself that to feel safe?

Birthing has been turned into a business!

Just because someone has more degrees in something doesn’t mean they are automatically doing what is in my and babies best interest. We know for a fact some doctors will rush things because they have a golf game, I have experienced it first hand. I have seen hospital policy used like a weapon against laboring women with no current scientific evidence to back it up. We can’t be sheeple about this and pretend the medical community is not a for profit industry!

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t personally think my doctor is going to shaft me because of any selfish needs but I will be prepared in case I get the classic “baby is too big” or “It is policy to have a c-section after 24 hours” and such. I will not blindly just trust. Do we blindly just trust anyone we hire for services? How is this different? Why am I the bad guy for wanting the best for my baby and I and not being blind to the fact that others have needs they put before my own? Some people are jerks, even doctors can be!

Don’t be a sheeple!

1 Comment

  1. Agree with “Just because someone has more degrees in something doesn’t mean they are automatically doing what is in my and babies best interest”.
    Particularly in countries like where I live, it is becoming an ever-increasing problem. Parents never know whether a major surgery was actually needed or it was just that the doctor had to send his son abroad to study. That’s how evil it is here.
    We are expecting our second baby and this time again we’re rather looking for a doctor we know personally instead of someone with a bunch of degrees to show. It makes me sad but still this is the reality.

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