Hydrasense for babies – Because babies get stuffy!

Hydrasense for babies


Babies can be quite sensitive. Things which are easy to handle for adult organism represent quite an obstacle for a still developing body. Each parents needs to deal with various issues such as cramps, flu, gas, temperature and other problems that are characteristic for this age. Even though all these situations can be quite stressful for the parents, they are an important part of growing up. They allow for baby’s immunity to get stronger and accustomed to various things that are present in our midst.

One of the biggest issues during this period is nasal congestion. Given that babies are quite helpless, they are unable to blow their nose or protect themselves in any way from increased amount of mucous in the nasal passageways. This can pose quite a problem. Babies that have stuffy nose are unable to feed properly; they lose appetite which translates in loss of weight and nutritive matters. During this period, feeding is the most important process because it allows baby to grow and strengthen. Without this process, baby progresses slowly which can have a negative long term impact.


I know for us, when it comes to our little ones we rather they have a fever than be stuffy, it can be so hard to deal with so being ready for it is very important. Even with breastfeeding, colds happen!

There are numerous things that can lead to this issue. Most babies are constantly sick. They have flu which affects their nasal passageways, stuffing them with mucous. But, much bigger problem is allergies. They represent an excessive reaction of the body to otherwise harmless agents that are present in the air. This condition usually develops in babies that are constantly at home, without proper exposure to other world. Although their parents think that they are protecting them from various substances this way, they are actually doing quite the opposite. Baby’s organism needs to adapt to everything in their environment. Sooner or later, baby will need to encounter all these problematic molecules. When it finally does, body may produce an extreme reaction. This will lead to inflammation within nasal passageways which will result in swelling. Additional mucous will be secreted which will additionally clog the nose making it very hard for baby to breathe.

Unfortunately, there is very little we can do when it comes to cold and flu. Infant will react to almost any microorganism leading to development of the disease. In case of allergies, normal treatment is by avoiding the substances. But, this is precisely the course of action that we need to avoid when child is small. If we deprive the child from its environment, it will result in more problematic consequences later on during the life.

Best way of treating any nasal congestion is by using saline sprays. It is well known that children need to avoid most drugs. Their chemical compounds can produce unwanted results within their body. As such, it is imperative to find natural solutions that will relieve the problem without endangering growth and development of the baby. Saline solutions are great because parents are able to rinse their baby’s nose with it. Drugs such as Hydrasense from You! Drugstore bring about instant solution. By rinsing the nose, you can ensure that child can breathe and feed properly.



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