Birth Story: The Sort Of It

Birth Story By Meagan D Kerr

The Happy Birth of Her Baby Boy

I went into labor on July 31st. I went to the hospital to get check because my contractions were getting stronger and we had to make sure we had someone to watch our 2 year old. So we went. I got checked and was 90% effaced and 3cm dilated. They said they would keep me to see if I progressed but I didn’t so they sent me home. I was in labor just not “active” so I labored through the night and next day at home by the time my husband got home from drill I couldn’t walk through the contractions anymore so we went. I was still 90% and but 4cm so they broke my water and then labor really started I labored for around an hour at the hospital and then pushed for about 10 mins. I had a happy healthy 8.7lb baby boy!


Oh the wonder! She did really just do that! LOL


Breastfeeding right after birth is so important and so special!


He is darling, even when all he wants is Mommy and the bright big world is something I frown about sometimes too little one! Squeee over the tiny cloth diaper on the tiny little one!

Thank you Meagan for sharing this happy birth after we have shared a few complicated ones.

A Picture Of Modern Birth

This birth story and others from the August 2015 due date group can be found on this blog. They are being shared by mothers who want to give new moms and old a window into that birth looks like today to empower others to make choices for themselves. fully supports evidence based birth and wants to help however we can. Please feel free to leave comments and questions and check back for more birth stories from this great group of women!


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