How far have you traveled to Shop

Depending on the item my husband and I have traveled over 3 hours just to shop as specialty shops from health food stores to book stores to pet stores. I saw this store online and now I would love to go! This pet shop has such a wide selection I honestly don’t even understand half of what they post about the fish even. Here is a photo if you don’t want to jump over to the site:

I will not even bother telling you how far we would have to go to get to this one but maybe you are closer?
How far have you gone to get to a good pet shop?
I squealed with delight to see something unexpected on their site, this:
Sugar gliders! I so badly want to see how they keep them there, too many shops have them in small cages. The great ones though that really know their stuff have them in very large cages and they tend to be very friendly and well cared for. If ever you see a sugar glider in a small cage, please do not buy it, don’t support such places that don’t know what they are doing.
This place looks to know what it is doing though and I would love to see it in person. As I am not taking a vacation out that way any time soon I guess I should be happy they have an online pet shop section though right? Even the online store is worth looking at. This photo so made me smile!
Think the military post would mind me putting it up in my front yard?



  1. Lilliana (aka MyTotsTravel)

    Thank you for the great blog posts. I want to offer an observation. I’m a member of your tribe on triberr so I make an effort to read your blog. It’s usually from my phone so I had not noticed the font issue but when I try to read it from my laptop or desktop your blog’s font is such a tiny script that I have to copy and paste in word to change font and be able to read it. I don’t know if you are aware that your blog post body font is showing up this way so I wanted to make you aware just FYI. I view it in internet explorer. I try to retweet most of your posts but if they are seeing your blog with the same font I’m seeing I’d hate for you to miss out in potential new readers as most will not make an effort to read unreadable font.

  2. ★Anna★

    There is a great parrot shop (I am really into parrots) an hour away from us. It is so worth the drive, and we have been many times!

    We also drove 1 1/2 hours to go to a fish store, and the drive back was about 3 hours because of traffic!! UGH!!

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