Homeschooling with Lego

One of the things my Hope Pixie who is near 13 loved the last 2 years was lego class at the lego store. It was robotics with the mindstorm sets. She has her own mindstorm set even because she loves it so much. 
The world is wide open with Lego from teaching young children colors and counting and helping them to hone fine motor skills. 
Lego knows they have something good and they know it is educational too! 
They have classes and groups for elementary, to middle school, to high school. 
This year I am trying to get my oldest daughter into a local lego robotics team. They travel and work together and don’t have to depend on the local lego store for classes. They had their planning meeting while we were away on vacation so it might be hard to get in, but I am trying! My hope pixie loves working with her hands, loves legos, and has a talent for it too. She can spend hours with little pieces trying to make it all work perfectly. I can’t sit still that long unless I am online or reading a book! 
For my younger children I think it is time to buy more Lego City sets. They are perfect for pretend play and open ended play and the pieces can be used for lessons too. There are whole lesson plans put together by homeschoolers for Legos. I tend to just put them together on my fly personally trying to fit learning in naturally with their play. It makes it a bit harder to record though. 
It is easy to search online for lego work sheets and lesson plans. I like to lay the legos like above and let the children count them up. My 6 year old can multiply very well remembering that each square has 4 dots and then just adds each square up quickly in his head. All it takes is interest! 
Another fun game is to dump a bunch of legos out on a table and give each child a piece of paper with a square on it. They take turns rolling dice and picking pieces of legos from the pile with the same dots on them as the dice have unless they get an odd number, in that case they have to pass the dice to the next person and so on. The first person to make their square as large as the one on their paper wins! 
Learning is best done when playing! 
Play Lots! 


  1. Daddy's in Charge?

    Very cool! My kids love the endless possibilities that they have with legos!

  2. Katrina

    Sounds like a fun game! The last one would almost work for my 2 year old (if I could keep her attention long enough 🙂 )

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