Guest Post: Top tips for moving house


Moving home, especially if it the first time, can be a serious upheaval for a young child. Here a few tips which will make this important transition that little bit easier for both your children and you.


Ease the way                    


Where possible, visit your new home with your children so that they can get used to the idea of living in a new space and the change of environment from your current home.


Show them things which will excite them like the garden or something special in the neighbourhood such as a park or an interesting shop.In the house itself, help them to focus on what life will be like there. Show them their rooms and ask where they’d like to put their bed or what ideas they have about storing their toys.


You could even do a little bit of advance cleaning with products supplied in the Everyday Effect Blue Box giveaway. This helps them to get their rooms ready, imagine the future and to feel good about the move.


Create memories


When you’re moving, you have a lot on your plate. We all know that feeling when you’re packing or spring cleaning and you want to scream and throw everything in the nearest rubbish bin!


Take some photographs on your digital camera or phone of their favourite parts of the house, a much-loved park or even a friend’s house and store for later; older children might enjoy taking the photos themselves; if you trust them with your camera.

Saying goodbye


When you leave your home, make sure children have the chance to say goodbye to each part of the house which means something to them – which is probably all of it!


Even if this process seems tedious, it is important to a child in order to show them that their feelings are being honoured even if they don’t understand what they are going through. After all, moving is a loss and saying goodbye will help them deal with it properly.  It might help you as well. The Everyday Effect recognises that it’s the small things which make a difference in life.




  1. Christy Garrett @ Uplifting Families

    Great tips. 🙂 My kids were always excited to move for the most part.

  2. Samuel Joyce

    Moving house is always stressful but with kids it can be even worse. I think getting them involved from the beginning will make them feel as though they are still being considered. If they can see the whole process then they are more likely to understand what is happening.Thanks for the insightful and sane advice that will be helpful with the packing and moving process.

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